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*Disclaimer: Every method that I will mention in this post is true to my knowledge & personal experience. I do not wish to give my readers any compilation of spells from different books. I want my readers to be able to generate their own spells as I will teach them in this post. Every ritual I will mention in this post will require sacrifice of fruits & plants only, I do not support any kind of animal sacrifices. Everything mentioned in this article is from my own knowledge and not from any history books or cults. This post will help you generate magic and power from inside you and your surroundings; I do not wish to be a master or a teacher. This post is only to help people.

Before we proceed, We must know about Witches & their Origin>

I recommend everyone to read both these articles mentioned above before stepping into the world of Witchcraft.

So, Now that we have learnt about History, Origin & Meaning of Witchcraft, Let’s move to the first step in learning witchcraft.

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Witchcraft is generated by the combination of Alchemy & Sorcery.

Let me explain,

  1. SORCERY: It is the method of generating a link between your spirit & the spirit of the governing power(spirit of nature) by producing energy into the universe to harbor a chain of connection with it. A living being could only produce energy by generating sound from their own vocal chord. It is the only method of doing so and hence, the only method to harbor a connection by incantations. Every particular incantation consists of specific words and pronunciations which produce a sound of a particular wavelength & thus this particular energy is flowed into the universe while chanting a particular incantation. These Incantations if repeated for a fixed number of times, will produce energy enough to open a portal or harbor a chain between your spirit and Nature. Once, you are able to connect yourself with nature and the Entities or elementals from different realms, then you will be able to bargain, deal or control them.

  2. ALCHEMY: It is the knowledge and understanding of the chemistry for mixing different ingredients to craft a particular food or item that is valuable or favorite to the spirits, Elementals or Entities whom you are calling or invoking in order to conduct your transaction and to please them. Alchemy is the material aspect of the science of magic. It is also the sacrificial offerings to those entities as they are appeased by some of the ingredients rare to their realms.

Now, that you know the definition to both Sorcery & Alchemy, It’s time for you to know the Different rules of the Realms & different Entities present in those realms and their powers & Their Portals>

Click on the link above and read it completely before proceeding.

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There are 6 Main branches or Powers of Witchcraft. These powers can be categorized as:
  1. Weaponry: This branch deals with the magic of attacking & killing using magical weapons and spells.

  2. Division: This branch deals with the magic to sow the seed of civil war and division amongst the loved ones or friends.

  3. Extirpate: This branch deals with corrupting and wiping out of the enemies either by war, plaque or curse.

  4. Hypnosis: This branch deals with the mind control and brainwashing of the enemy into making them complete slaves.

  5. Pillaring: This branch deals with solidifying the pillar of either curse or blessing on the lineage of a person. Once it’s established, then only could be removed by Extirpate magic as mentioned in the 3rd branch of this section.

  6. Glamour: This branch is the magic of generating a glamour or shape shifting by controlling the vision of a person viewing or standing inside an aura binded around by the practitioner.

Please note that all of the above magical branches can be utilised in both Harming as well as protecting a person. It’s not the power that is evil; It’s the person accessing those powers are. These powers could be used in the upliftment of humanity and peace as well, It’s completely dependent on the practitioner and it’s intentions.

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Now, you know all the basics and we can proceed into the real action.

First step of Witchcraft:

There are 4 major Deities or Gods & a Goddess in Paganism or Idolization. Their names are different in different regions and the method to please them are different as well but their basic character and basic rituals are the same everywhere. These 4 Gods & a Goddess are the main source of all the Magic & witchcraft in the Universe. These Gods are 4 Kings of 4 directions and a Goddess of lifecycle. All of these Gods are capable of granting and teaching all the 6 powers mentioned above to the practitioner. The practitioner if only be able to please only one of these deities, will be able to access all the powers mentioned above. Let’s know more about these Gods, They are;

  1. King of the Sky: He’s a great king and has a kingdom of many deities that are associated with different roles and magics. This King has many names but some of you might have known him as Zeus/ Odin/ Indra/ Jupiter/ Mamaragan/ Haikili/ Shango/ Aktzin or Thunderbird/ Leigong/ Armazi/ Teshub etc. This God is present in every religion, even in Abrahimic religion they have mentioned this deity as the angel Baraqiel. All of these are names of the same entity or God that governs the sky and has Thunder blows as his mandatory weapon. Also is known as the ruler of the sky. This deity is known to deal with the weapons & wars mainly. This God is also known to often disguise itself to produce his children with human women to rule the earth as the Great kings & Seers. This King is to be pleased inorder to gain control and dominion over your enemies. He’s not known to heal.

  2. King of the Fire: He’s the King of the sacred link between life and its source. Fire is known to have been used as unto which everything is to be sacrificed to pass through for it to reach the energy or nature. Fire has the power to pass on everything into the realm of spirit or Gods. This King is summoned and prayed to also as a witness to every ritual of any kind as once the ritual is done properly, then this King will assure it as binding and ought to complete the connection & results of it. That’s the reason that every ritual of any kind in every religion either sacred or dark will always be in the presence of fire either in the form of candle or the sacrificial fire. Without this king, Magic is not possible to conjure or use.

  3. King of the Water: He’s the Great King that beholds all that is in the water. Water is said to be the primary source of our existence and many have personified it as Gods in every Religion. This controls and commands all the great ancient sea creatures that are mentioned in every religion as some ancient magical serpents or dragons. Water is life as 70% of what we are made of is water. Everything that could flow or move has water in them. There are many rituals in witchcraft or Sacred religious prayers in many religions that are done by either fully submerging or partially merging in the water. Natural Water sources are said to be an excellent source for conjuring super powers. While submerged in the water, the practitioner is fully isolated and protected by the spirits of earth, air & water. Suppose, you want to master or enslave a very powerful spirit or elemental, then while you do that procedure that spirit would not let you complete the incantation rituals as they wouldn’t desire to serve you but they can’t actually reach you because the King of the Water wouldn’t allow any other spirit then that of water to come near you. Once, the incantation is completed then the elemental will be bound to serve you and to lock that deal you need rituals on the land in presence of fire. Sometimes people hold on to the burning candles while completing the rituals under water & only come out after the number of required incantations are completed. This King is also known and used for hypnosis magic as it’s bound by the Moon.

  4. The Sun God, 4th King: For all that could survive needs the warmth of the Sun and even the creatures completely under water will also need the energy absorbed by the water from the Sun rays shining bright on them. The Sun God is almost as powerful as the sky God but by the sacred rules and laws, is bound to follow his commands. That makes the Sky God most powerful of all 4. The Sun God is not used in any dark rituals as It is the Exact opposite of the dark & evil. Every plant on land or sea is only because of this God and hence all the herbs that are used in the rituals are only done because of it. It is the connection of your spirit to the spirit of all living on the earth. So, to control & to connect with nature, one must connect with the Sun & itself first.

  5. The Goddess: She’s been called Hecate/ Trivia/ Hequet/ Kali/ Santa Muerte/ Nature etc. She’s been defined by many names and by the stars as well as the planets. She’s the magic and the mother of all creation in the Universe. She's nature itself and as well she’s the life of all. She’s the mother to all elementals, deities, demons, djinns, spirits, ghosts, life, animals, plants & mountains. She’s the main Goddess of Witchcraft & she’s the primary deity of all cycles that exists.

*Note: If you have to learn witchcraft then you have to worship The main Goddess and then only you would proceed to understand the network of magical realms & its loopholes.

Now, Before going to step 2, read What is Magic>

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Second Step of Witchcraft: Learn to set up an Altar;

  1. The idol should be of 3.5 inch height and 2 inch thickness. It could have any shape and should have a base to stand.

  2. The best material of an idol should be made up of a Lodestone or rocks with metal ores. But in some cases, wood from some special trees are also used.

  3. Now set it up on a wooden stool or somewhere on the top where it is comfortably accessible. Just make sure that you don’t have to move it once set.

  4. Now, you have to offer this idol on the altar as the place for the entity to reside and use this altar as its home as given by you.

  5. Then you have to choose which idol you want to invoke and set on your altar inside that idol. Remember that by doing that, you are choosing to pray to this Idol as your God and your mentor or a guide into the realm of sorcery.

  6. If you decide to choose a path of Sky or airborne spirits (Healing Powers & weapons), then you have to make sure that the altar is always cleaned by rose water and then pleasant and aromatic perfume/ fragrance or oils are applied to the idol. If derived from flowers and their nectars then it’s most preferable. If not then artificial fragrance with pleasant aromas could also be used. Use flowers as an offering to this idol and sweets.

  7. If you decide to choose a path of Power & Strength for dominion or protection, then you have to make sure that the Idol should always be completely covered by Vermillion or Cinnabar and Sunlight incense sticks should be kept lit at least 2 times a day on the altar as an offering to the Idol. Also the place should have a container for the ashes of the burned incense sticks after the offerings as these ashes will have many magical powers. Once in every week you should give either a lemon, coconut or any sweets as an offering. You do not want to offer this idol any kind of blood sacrifice. If required any blood sacrifice then replace it with lemons.

  8. If you decide to choose Malevolent or Demonic path, then your idol should be black in colour and should always be covered by the black clothes as you are restricting it to show itself or to look at you or the place. Now, the offerings should be Aale or alcoholic drinks as well as eggs should be offered as an offering. You could also use tobacco as an offering to this idol. Always remember that it won’t be loving to you but instead would be very dominant.

  9. Now, there are several different entities that are summoned into these idols. You must know the characteristics of these entities and then you could classify it as to which kind of altar you should prepare for it.

  10. Classification of these entities are also based on their realm or plain of their existence and to read about that click here>

  11. Once you decide which entity to summon, then you have to conjure that entity by spells & Incantations. These spells, rituals or incantations differ with each entity. For instance I am giving you the summoning ritual of a shadow person but you have to understand that you don’t need to provide your shadow person an altar as it resides with you. I am just trying to explain the summoning rituals to you. For summoning shadow person click here>

  12. Now, that you understand the basic of the summoning rituals; I give you a summoning ritual of the Succubus Demoness Goddess Lilith>

  13. Also, you need to understand the complete process of Possession before you proceed and thus also the protection against it as well, To read about Possession, click here> & to read about Divine & Protection, click here>

  14. Now, you are ready to start your search for the suitable Entity to harness its powers by binding it to your altar and then offer your services to it, in return for their powers and to be able to control it.

  15. If you choose a Djinn as your deity to worship and harness then you must know that you require a particular piece of talisman for your protection and a Talisman that connects and binds your well being to that djinn. It could be either a ring or pendant or sometimes even a stone to wear. To know more about Djinns click here>

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*Note that these deities or elementals are your guide & teacher as well. You might get great wisdom from these beings as well as their powers by making deals with them in return for your services or offerings. As you begin the summoning rituals after setting up a protection shield around your aura, you will be approached by small familiars that will offer you their assistance in your magic in return for some small offerings like a drop of blood or just some food. They will alter their forms as some pet to live amongst you and so that they could freely and openly live with you. To have a detailed explanation click here>

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This pdf is subjected to the copyright of its rightful author. We do not wish to take or receive any credit for this publication, It is solely for the informative purposes only. This book is not a property of paratantra society.

*Fair warning about the 3 times rule of Witchcraft as I have explained here> Do not harm anyone or you will end up soulless and beastly as some old hags. Spread love and heal as many people as you could. Knowledge is for everyone and yet there's a reason why it’s hidden.

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