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Updated: Nov 14, 2020


A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.

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*Note: Old missionaries created a panic & mass hysteria about witches all over Europe which led them to kill innocent women who were simply free thinkers & were women of science. I would agree that in few cases they may be true but in most of the cases these maniacs slaughtered & burned innocent women & it deeply saddens my soul. People blindly follow Abrahimic religions into agreeing to the slaughter of many. I know few witches & warlocks myself and over the years I have seen them doing great healing works for people. They are white witches and yes there are Dark witches too in this world. Everything mentioned in this article is mainly about the evil dark witches & Hags. I do not support any kind of hatred towards Wicca Witch Society or any coven & definitely stand strongly against witch hunting. But at the same time, I am standing strongly against any Dark witch or evil doer & I will take all precautions necessary to ensure that they do not harm innocent people.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.

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Basically the word means practicing supernatural magic or sorcery to fulfill negative, dark & evil intentions. The word has come into play as a common phrase for simplifying to say that, “Witch has crafted a Spell”.

A sorcerer is a practitioner of magic, whereas a witch is the one that is a monstrous & evil being. Thus, the word ‘Witchcraft’ is always used when the magic is explained in the context as an abomination or simply evil. Witchcraft means using magic & the supernatural forces of nature to produce harm and ill effects on the people or a place.

That was the definition by the book; but what truly is witchcraft?

The art of placing a curse on any living/dead or on a place(land, lake, mountain, farm, house/ mansion etc.) is called Witchcraft.

In order to be able to manipulate the natural order into placing a curse takes a certain demonic lifestyle to pursue and hence, the word Witchcraft is also used to describe such lifestyle with utter disgrace. So, Witchcraft is a word no one wants to be associated with unless they know the exact meaning of it.

During old times; every disease, hunger or poverty were believed to be born by some evil curse or an act of witchcraft done to them. So, people blame all their pain & sufferings on the Witches & leads to a mass hysteria & panic.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.

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Witchcraft is however a very real thing as I can assure I have seen & felt its effects first hand. Me & my family have been a victim of it and that’s why we embrace the fight against it. But not with the witch hunts as it makes you equally cruel & demonic as those witches who were accused of it. So, before you begin your fight or protection against it, you might be able to determine that if it's been done to you.

Always remember that,

The effects of curse or witchcraft intensifies with time and if it’s been there for a lifetime of one person then it becomes almost impossible to get rid of.

In my personal case, the witchcraft has been done on my family house & the chief of my family at that time. Unfortunately that Chief of my family has suffered and died leaving that curse on to the whole bloodline. If my Ancestor might have the knowledge that I have now, He could have treated it and would have spared the whole bloodline from that curse. That curse intensifies with the death of all the members before me and hence, now is impossible to treat; leaving my whole ancestral property cursed. I can never use the riches my family had and if I try to then the curse will follow. So, my father moved away with all of us and then have started with zero. That’s how we have survived and that’s why I started to learn to fight these things.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.

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10 signs of witchcraft are as follows:

  1. Dreams: It always started with the unusual dreams. Dreams that make no sense at all but always end up with you murdering something or doing any deed which is pure demonic like slaughtering something or murdering something. It will not be simple, It will be very complex dreams. You will always be in control of yourself in those dreams but the choices that were laid in front of you will motivate you to perform such horrific acts but you will have all the right reasons to do it. Like a few months ago, I had this bizarre dream in which, “I saw that me and my family are trapped in a jungle with no medical treatments and no herbs that could help in survival. In that dream I saw my mom's hand got infected by tetanus and it kept spreading and would have reached her heart. In order to save my mom’s life I have to chop off that hand of my mother with a hot blade and I did it. I felt such horrible pain while doing that but still did it anyway to save my mother.” As soon as it’s done, I woke up and I immediately realized that it was the first sign that someone’s trying to place a curse on me and I got protected by certain protection charms and I broke the curse by praying and exorcising myself and my family from it.

  2. Hair & stone dirt in your food: while eating your food, if you find any hair or some small stone or sandstone dirt in your food then it’s a second sign. If it happens for the one time only, then it might be coincidence. But if it happens to you 3 times within a week then it’s confirmed that someone has already put a curse on you. Now, you will need to find a way to undo that curse.

  3. Finding hair on your back in the bed that will irritate you and kept you awake whole night: Whenever you will try to sleep, if you find an irritation on your back and when you check it out; It’s actually a hair or piece of a hair that has somehow stuck in your cloth or skin that is irritating you. You can get rid of it immediately and then could go to sleep. But, if it happened the same on the next night & on the next night continuously for the three nights then it’s a sign that you must protect yourself.

  4. Unknown cuts on your skin: You have a small papercut on your finger and you don’t know how or when it happened. Who cares, right? But if it happens again & again continuously on different parts of your body more than 3 times in a week and you still can’t figure out exactly how it is happening; then it’s a blood curse being done to you.

  5. Finding buds of flowers or leaves in the corners of your house, where it’s impossible to go naturally: in your bedroom you don’t have any flower vase or your windows were closed, you found 5 pentacles of flowers that are not even in the 100 yards of your house. But, how would you know if it’s not in the 100 yards of your house; your neighbor might have grown it inside his house and could have entered your by air and might have stuck in your shoes while you reached your bedroom. But, what if it’s happening daily? You have been cursed Now, fight back.

  6. Shoe’s Dirt is Ashes or coal: When you haven't walked through any place or ground at which there is ashes on the ground & still when you reach your house, you will notice that the usual dirt on your shoes soul is ashes or coal like substance. Happens once, no problem; but if it’s happening on a daily basis then you have to check the entire route which you walk or pass through daily. If you still can't find any reasonable explanation for that, then it’s time to seek help from some priest or shaman.

  7. Animals will not eat from your hand: You have a pet cat or dog that loves you and cuddles you but suddenly one day they stopped eating food from your hand. Doesn't matter if you serve their favorite food & still they are not showing any interest in eating that. All of sudden your friend walked in and your pet ate from his hand. Now, that’s something. Try to figure out the reason for that. If your pet isn’t pissed at you and still won’t eat when you serve them then you need to try that with other animals as well. Go to a park and try to feed the birds or go to a pond and try to feed the fishes. If no animal is accepting any food from you, then you're cursed by using the supernatural forces of nature. It won’t be easy to get rid of it but you know at least what’s happening to you. Look for another witch that might help you.

  8. Camphor will burn if you walk over it backward: If you are truly heavily cursed then it’s a sure shot method to find out. Put a piece of Camphor on the cremation ground and surround it with dry cloves. Now, walk over it backwards. Take a backward step over that camphor and if it started burning or even if it doesn’t burn & started releasing smoke as if it’s combusting then you have a dead blood curse over you & you are marked by a Demon.

  9. Dry Coconut or lemon in your hand will rot, flowers and plants around you will start to die: Another method to be sure about if you are truly cursed or not is to go to the market and purchase coconut(Hard coconut or dry shell coconut is preferred) or lemon. Then once you have reached home, stand up after cleaning yourself and start rotating that coconut or lemon over your head in the anticlockwise direction for 7 times and speak that whatever is affecting you negatively shall be ridden of you by accepting that coconut or lemon. Then just go out of your house and open it by knife or a stone depending on whichever fruit you selected, then just look at what’s inside. If it’s rotten then you were cursed by using a dead ghost, If it’s blood inside then you are cursed by a blood curse. If it’s normal as it’s supposed to be then you are fine.

  10. Dead insects & spiders everywhere: you wake up and find dead bugs around your window; might be a coincidence. You are in a shower and find a dead cockroach; might need to call pest control. You went on to your car and drove and suddenly a bug strikes your window or windshield; bad weather. You have reached your destination, have worked and then approached your car to reach home and suddenly saw a dead snake; none of that was coincidence. You are cursed.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.

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Why do these signs appear if you are cursed?

Answer: Because nothing in this universe can be done without maintaining the proportion and balance. That’s just how Mother Nature works or processes. So, if a person is being cursed then mother nature will show all these Omens or Signs to the cursed person so that they could get rid of it. But, our ancestors who would have told us about all these omens and signs were accused of being a witch for being close to mother nature and were killed. So, these knowledge have been lost with time. Very few have survived who explained all that to their lineages.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.

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There are certain loopholes in the laws of nature. To study these loopholes and using it to manipulate the working of nature is sorcery. Now using this sorcery to put a curse by following a series of ritualistic steps that force the laws of nature to curse is called Witchcraft. Now, the rules of witchcraft are the rules that the witches have to follow while using witchcraft’s power or the nature will reverse the curse onto the witch itself. If we also know the rules or laws of witchcraft then we certainly know how to protect ourselves from it. There are certain laws that are in my knowledge out of the many laws. I will share only the laws that are known to me. So, here they are:

  1. Balance: Magic can’t be done if it’s disrupting the natural order or balance. In order to perform magic, one must be able to restore the counter transition in nature to balance it. For instance, if a witch wants to project an astral imaging into a person's head then in order to do that the witch should be able to open the channel door to both ways; means if the person is strong enough then he/she could project themself into the witch’s head at the same time. Another instance, If a white Witch wants to heal a dying person then she has to kill another life in order to save one. It could be either a living flower or a goat but in order to restore a life force, one has to end another.

  2. Cursing requires approval from the Cursed to be: If a witch wants to put a curse on you, then she requires your consent for it. Nature obliged to accept your consent in different ways then our usual ways of giving it. Let me explain; If a witch is trying to curse you then she needs a piece of your DNA with her. That DNA could be in anything like your hair, blood, finger nails, used cloths etc.Having a piece of your DNA is counted as your consent by nature. There are other ways it works also like, If a witch is trying to curse you with an evil eye then in order for it to work is while she stares at you, both your eyes and hers have to meet at least once during that. Now, if accidentally both yours and hers eyes have met then do not blink or look away, instead stare at her back as if you are not afraid and she couldn’t harm you. If you do that then it means that you haven’t given your consent but if you look away or blink after both yours and hers eyes meet then it means you are giving your consent. Another way is when you walk home the witch could follow you or either her familiar could follow you. Always remember that before entering your house, bump your shoes or whatever footwear you were wearing into the floor and leave them outside in the form opposite to the door as if they are about to leave and then enter while cleaning or rubbing your foot and shoes on the doormat. This way you took away your consent to let them enter your house and your life. Another way is that they will curse you by using their evil tongue, while doing that they might disguise them as your friend and could speak the curse in between the normal conversation like, “How’s your wife, She’s not ill isn’t she?” & if you reply to that then you have given your consent to the curse. If you find yourself in the same situation then you should reply in a manner like, "Why would she be ill, only all her ill wishers will die and my wife will be perfectly fine”. Then in that way you have not just taken away your consent from that curse but you have reversed it on to that witch.

  3. Rule of 3 in witchcraft: Number three has a great importance in witchcraft. We could even say that it’s the universal rule of witchcraft. The first thing is three times rule; anything you do using witchcraft will return back to you with an intensity of three times. For instance, if a witch curses someone to have a leg injury, the curse will return upon her with an intensity of three times the actual curse. The witch’s legs will be chopped off by some accident if she puts the curse. So, how do they put on the curse than; they actually use the hairs or coins from some other person. They put those coins or hair into the ritualistic sacrifice mentioning it as the price paid by the owner of those coins or hair as the person who’s putting on the curse. Thus, whatever harm comes as a return will affect the person who’s hair or coins they used.

Three times rule of declaration or question; if a witch or entity is harboring power from you or trying to curse you, then all you have to do is to simply declare or order them three times continuously with authority to move that curse away from you or they will be compensated by the Gods. If they heard those orders mentioning them in respect to the supreme power three times, they would move away or would be banished forever. This only works while the curse is about to be put. Once done then it’s not that simple to remove. If you give an order to these witches or entities to move away from your house or any other place three times mentioning them that you will use that place, they have to follow at all costs. Three is a very strong number in Witchcraft and if any pattern is repeating itself in 3, then you have to be clear that it definitely has something to do with witchcraft.

As for the protection, you now know how to not make any mistakes by letting yourself vulnerable to the magic. If you make sure that all your used clothes will be burned after it’s of no longer use then you could be safe. Also, whenever you throw your hairs or nails away, spit on those and declare that no one should touch it for the purpose of sorcery. Take precautions as we have mentioned above in the ‘signs of witchcraft’ section. If you know how they will curse you, then you know how not to give them the opportunity to do that.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.

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