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*Note: Old missionaries created a panic & mass hysteria about witches all over Europe which led them to kill innocent women who were simply free thinkers & were women of science. I would agree that in few cases they may be true but in most of the cases these maniacs slaughtered & burned innocent women & it deeply saddens my soul. People blindly follow Abrahimic religions into agreeing to the slaughter of many. I know few witches & warlocks myself and over the years I have seen them doing great healing works for people. They are white witches and yes there are Dark witches too in this world. Everything mentioned in this article is mainly about the evil dark witches & Hags. I do not support any kind of hatred towards Wicca Witch Society or any coven & definitely stand strongly against witch hunting. But at the same time, I am standing strongly against any Dark witch or evil doer & I will take all precautions necessary to ensure that they do not harm innocent people.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.
Real Witch

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Old English Neo-Pagan religions were named Wicca by the English men in the 1940's. Before that, the witches were called ‘Maleficus’ in Latin during the 15th century. During the 13th Century in old Germany the word ‘Wichelan’ was being used meaning, ’to bewitch’. The English verb ‘Wiccan’ originated from that.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.

Male practitioners or male witches were called ‘Warlocks’.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.
Dark Witch

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There are accounts of the people since the beginning of the time, that witnessed the supernatural powers possessed by the real witches in history and using those powers to gain extraordinary terror and evils over the people. Mainly using those powers to gain dominion over the society. There have also been accounts that tell the good things done for the society by certain Old white witches.

Before the Abrahamic religions, the Paganism is being known to have existed originally throughout the Earth. The idea & concept that the True God lies somewhere outside of this Earth hasn’t been introduced to the people. Old people before Abrahimic religions were known to worship the Mother Earth and all the 5 elementals i.e, Earth, Water, Fire, Sky & Air. These 5 elementals were believed to be the reason for the existence of all life on earth. These were also known as the Life force. Different Gods were assigned as the Kings or the Governor of each elementals or life forces.

Every different regional beliefs gave their own names to these Kings or Gods of the elementals. But what’s interesting is that,

Every King or God of a particular Elemental in every different region, belief or religion were found with a lot of similarities as if every religion or belief is talking about the same God with different names and different practices to conjure it but the similarity in the power & characteristics of the God of same element life force are uncanny.

That solidifies the proof of existence of all those beings that were claimed to exist as their Gods of elementals. How could a person living in a tribe in Sri Lanka in the late 1500 B.C.E can exactly describe the Power and appearance of the God of sky which is exactly as similar to the God of sky that have been worshipped by another tribe known to have existed in that of Norway or to that of in the Greece or to that of in the Native American tribes?

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.
Three Witches

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Now, People in those tribes were very religious and devoted to their Gods. Those Gods were also known to be able to manifest themselves in front of these people if they carry out certain rituals told to them by their Seer.

A Seer is the person or priest known to have the ability to listen to the Gods or to the Forces of Nature. A seer could communicate with the Gods and thus were the trusted advisors for the Tribal chiefs.

That’s how their daily lives were run.

There were certain people in the tribes that wanted to gain certain power, reputation & position in their tribes. These people were the ones that are known to be physically weaker than the rest of the tribe. So to gain their ambitions, they try to please the Gods to grant them favors and powers to prove their dominion over the other physically sound tribe members.

They devoted themselves to these Gods and to gain their favors, they were known to start the sacrificing rituals that forced Gods to grant them favors. The Gods in order to teach these people lessons promised them the certain favors they demanded in the return of a heavy price that were unimaginable to sacrifice as they were against the basic nature of humans and their emotions.

So, most of these people stopped as they couldn’t find in their heart to do such horrific rituals in order to gain favors from the God and they instead of rituals, just simply started praying to these Gods by writing beautiful incantations and spells that describes their love to these Gods in their own language or native tongues. Hence, they become the White Witches & yet receive the love and favors of God.

While, few remaining blinded by their lust accepted in their hearts to do such horrific rituals. They were ready to pay any price for their selfish endeavors.

So, as promised Gods have to keep their words but by the actions performed during those bloody rituals; these men & women lost their very human nature and started becoming ugly dreadful beasts or hags as a curse put on them by mother nature for breaking the law of Nature. They become Dark ugly Witches or old Hags.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.
Demon Magic

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Witch’s connection to the Evil entity/ force or a Demon can be explained depending on two circumstances;

First circumstance involved the later demonisation of the Old deity God’s by the Abrahimic religions & their missionaries, meanwhile also converting few deities into the Angels of their lord to explain a convincing Genesis. Thus, ended up converting the primal deities of these tribal worshipers into Demons and then Hunting down its members by naming it a witch hunt. Those who choose to convert & renounce their original primal deities were considered saved and fellow members of their faith and their lives were spared.

Second circumstance involved invoking dangerous malevolent spirits from other realms by the Old Hags in order to re-establish their youth and appearances to disguise themselves in the midst of society. Also, one day in a year they sacrifice and cannibalise toddlers as to quench & keep their beast side content. As long as they keep doin that on some special nights like blood moon, they could appear normal and youthful. To keep themselves young some Witches transform themselves into vampires and go out to drink the blood of sleeping people by sucking on with a sting that will leave a blood clot on the skin at the point of suction. In India; such descriptions can be found in the old witch stories and they were known as Dankini & Shankini. Here, Dankini is the vampiristic witch whereas Shankini’s are more deadly & fierce.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.
Three Witches

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Witches are known to have certain abilities and powers. Please note that most of these powers are different in both white witch & dark witch.

We will discuss below the powers possessed by the dark witches.

  1. Astral Projection: This is the power to project your Astral image into the world that can travel with the speed of 30 miles per second. This is the same speed by which a free roaming Poltergeist can move as mentioned by King Solomon's old scriptures. However the unit of distance given by Solomon was in Yojans which was later on converted by researchers. Let me guide you through the Astral projection; every person who meditates regularly & practices could be able to do astral projection. But, what’s so different in witches? Answer is that, A Witch could project its Astral image as they could project their beastly consciousness out of their body and that’s more like an outer body experience. Now, This image could actually touch people or we can say, physically hurt people. Also, they could steal from you using this projection. They could manipulate your mind into Hallucination and could possess you to do their dirty work. While a normal person could project only an image of themselves in someone’s dream and that’s only if they are at their best.

  2. Metamorphosis: This is the power possessed by few witches who choose to live in the places where no men could easily go. These witches are extremely powerful and in order to possess this power, they have to be at least a hundred years old. These witches hunt down animals such as wolves, owls or bats. Then they scoop out their body parts to be used later during rituals such as heart, eyes etc. Now, when required; they eat those parts to gain certain supernatural abilities that only these animals possess. If they eat a wolf's heart, they could transform themselves into fierce predators and their body morphed into a wolf. That’s how witches morph themselves into different animals and birds.

  3. Mind control: It is said that witches have a special spell for mind control. Once they enchant that spell and blow on you; You will be under her spell. Spell only works by increasing your lust. That’s how it has been told in the stories of witches that how they have seduced men into their lairs to eat them. The spell will unimaginably multiply and fill your brain with oxytocin up to the limit that the person will be completely blinded to the other emotions and will act only under the suggestion to the spell caster. Similar spells were used by the witches in Nigeria to turn humans into their zombie slaves.

  4. Immortality: The biggest misconception is that; witchcraft can grant you immortality. Many scary stories about witches have spread this belief but the truth is that it doesn’t. Yes! The witches might be able to live for hundreds of years and couldn’t be killed by weapons or fatal blows by weapons but that’s because they are already dead. The witches who in search of power & immortality go out and marry Demons; have to go through a dark baptism. During this dark baptism the witch has to die and the demon will raise her again. But only their bodies and not their souls as once a person is dead, then no matter who ever you believe in; they can’t come back with the soul. I have been through many places and have met many people who have seen such miracles; The only people who return after dying with their soul intact is the people who didn't actually die. But they were in some kind of supernatural coma in which the soul stays inside the body for 11 minutes. If a person is dead for 11 minutes, then within this 11 minutes CPR would work. More than 11 minutes; not even a miracle could save them. So, during that dark baptism the witches sacrificed their lives to the demons after having sex with them to consumate their marriage and stabbed themselves in the heart to die. After 11 minutes, the demon will raise their bodies which will just be a clay who can think. No human emotions at all. Now, they will live forever as some machine who keeps repairing themselves from occult magic but eventually they will vanish too.

  5. Flying: Witches can’t fly. But due to the magic, they could float in air which is like swimming for us in the water. The gravity will act on their bodies but the molecular density of their body could alter itself as they permit themselves to be. Similarly if you ever had a fight with one then you would have noticed, How heavy they could be to move and lift but while running how fast they could run as if they don't have any body weight at all. This ability helps them to hide in the trees. Some of them even live on a tree. I have never in my life have seen or heard any real witch stories or incidents in which they actually could fly and to add flying on the broom into the mix is the atrocity of it all.

  6. Necromancy: It’s not particularly raising the dead into life. People often misinterpret the meaning of Necromancy. Necromancy is the magic to communicate with the dead and to raise their doomed spirit into this world as their own slaves. In Asia there is a specific word for this doomed spirit risen after or in between the cremation or burial ceremonies. They are called ‘Mashan’. In some instances they could be compared with the Zombie & poltergeist except for the fact that witches used them as their personal slaves. Now, the ritual for raising the dead is different according to the rituals used to pass the spirits of the dead into the afterlife. It is believed that the spirit of the deceased stayed with their family members for the duration of 13 days after death before passing on to the afterlife and thus during these 13 days, witches could bind these spirits with any objects such as a doll or a toy and then control it. Witches themselves cannot peek into the afterlife, they could anchor themselves into the afterlife and then they need someone on the other side to tell them the truth. It’s a universal rule that only the living could lie. So, they get their information from the other side which is pin point accurate. To avoid falling the information into the wrong hands, spirits often talk into metaphors & riddles. Hoodoo & voodoo witches rely completely on the knowledge from the otherside.

  7. Invisibility: They do have a spell to hide in the plainside. It’s called binding the vision of the men. They have a spell which they use every time they walk into someplace. They use it and then clap three times. As far the sound of those claps reaches, that area is binded with an illusion. They could walk into a barren land and then by illusion could create a mansion out of thin air. Which will act as it’s real, while the reality of it is that the person entering into that will enter a trance in which they are just hallucinating and couldn’t differentiate between the reality and illusion. Witches could actually live inside that trance to hide themselves. Sometimes a witch could be even your neighbour & you wouldn’t know because whenever you visit their house, you walk right into that trance. It’s possible that the house could actually be completely different then what you are seeing but you will never know. The trick is to watch the house from a very long distance using some sort of binoculars and to notice the symbols hidden inside the usual patterns of designing or wallpapers of the house. Old hunters used to do that. Only the half witches could notice the difference while standing inside the trance.

  8. Survival: They could survive at any cost as we have already discussed that they can’t be killed because they are not alive at all. You could cut them into 100 pieces and yet they will survive that. You could drown them by binding them with metal chains and weights inside the ocean, but they would still survive that until someone brought them out & they would continue to live. That’s why it is said to burn them because once burned completely, they can’t recover from that. If burned improperly; then they could even come out from that. People used to hang them at first and as you have heard already in many old witches stories for kids or in history; doesn’t do any good to them.

  9. Vision: Witches only when they consume the eyes of the Owl, could see Past, Present & Future. They develop this ability by continuous occult practices and magic. It is said that a witch could see from miles away. Which is certainly an inhuman ability. This ability of the witches grows stronger with time and hence, the old witches couldn’t be found easily. There aren't many descriptions of burning of the old witches on the stakes but only of the young and new witches. That’s because at the beginning their vision wasn’t strong. Also, not many old witches were found because of their maintaining youth magics and practices but also some of them couldn’t. They grow old & ugly almost like hags because of the dangerous practices they do. Often the witches who live in isolation from the world in the wilderness; are old & ugly.

  10. Curses: A Witch’s curse is definitely their most heinous power. A dark witch only has a negative and evil core of everything in herself. A little sight, even for just one second is enough for a witch to curse you with a sickness of filth & fever. If she could be able to look at you for 3 seconds, you could be cursed by a deadly spell. That’s how strong & dangerous their evil eye is. For curses like plague or drought, it takes more than just the evil eye. They have to alter the course of nature into their wishes. A witch can’t create a plague only nature could do such a thing. But a witch could force nature into doing that by cursing with specific rituals and blood sacrifices on very special nights. All witch magic is dependent on the occurrence of the moon. They could only channel everything because of the moon. As for everything living, the Sun is responsible as our primary source of energy. But, for everything dead, the Moon is. Although the moon is visible only through the light of the Sun but it’s existence in the sky is enough to harbor dark forces. Often all occult & sacrifices are carried out in the presence of the Moon. But as for the truly dark demons that are beyond anything we believe in such as Shedim are the ones that could only be summoned during the darkest night or eclipse. Shedim are definitely the most dangerous entity & never try to mess with them, doesn’t matter how good you are in your practices; but a Shedim is capable of wiping out the entire life cycle from the Earth. Even witches never summoned them as they couldn’t be content.

  11. Teleportation: Witches could teleport for some distance but not for far. They could teleport only through the ways that they could see. But as I have already mentioned, they have an unimaginable vision so that means for miles. But not many witches do that because of the vast amount of power it took. Once teleported, a witch would need months to regain her strength. Almost everyone passes out after the teleportation. So, that’s a power for the most desperate time. They also need to consume the eyes of a cat to teleport, without that they couldn’t.

  12. Magical Weapons: They do have deadly weapons which can’t be seen by eyes. They summon these weapons by some incantation & then fire it upon target like some energy blasts from Dragon Ball-Z. I know how it sounds but that’s a reality. These weapons are accessible to all occult practitioners and these weapons are known as the weapon of Gods. One has to master these weapons, every specific weapon has a specific ritual to be mastered by the practitioner and then when he/she is able to please the respective God of respective weapon then they shall gain access to it. In India, Tantric often master these weapons and the branch of tantra that deals with magical weapons is called ‘Maaran’ which means ‘to kill’. Even a simple blow of these weapons will kill the target immediately. These weapons can’t be dodged but could only be protected against by the Gods. Only the Gods have the power to take away its effect to save you. I have heard a man survived from a very deadly Magical weapon in India because he was a devotee to one of the most powerful Hindu deities and also because his Karma was truly in an ideal state. This man was known for helping everyone in need and to go to extra lengths to do that & many good deeds. He was once attacked by a very powerful magical weapon by a witch and he has explained how he felt; He said “It was like thousand bees stung him at the same time and they keep on stinging him and his heart was about to give up in few seconds but in that very moment he remembered his beloved deity and pleaded for help, suddenly all that pain goes away and he survived but the same weapon reverse attacked the witch and that witch died immediately”. It is noted that if a witch fires these weapons on someone and somehow that person finds a way to reverse it then the hunter will become hunted. The powerful witches often attack weaker witches with these powers. So that the weapon couldn’t backfire on them. If used without in need of self defense; these weapons will turn against the shooter itself after being used multiple times by them in lust. That’s why it’s also one of the last resorts for witches.

  13. Inhuman Strength: That’s something you might have heard about in a short witch story. There are many of them that describe how a bunch of people are needed to put down a witch and to tie her down. Witches are pretty powerful then they appear. If a man tries to fight them physically, they don’t stand a chance against a witch. They could literally throw you from one room to another. That’s why to hunt witches they took tens of men and all of them were fierce warriors highly trained in combat or if not then entire villages against one witch and all with burning torches in their hands and other weapons. So, you knew already why they did so.

*White witches have an extra power to heal someone and to cast a protection charm or totem.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.
White Witch

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Firstly I will give, How the Witch Hunters during the 16th century used to find witches. Their methods were just a Hoax to boost their superior egos and are nothing more than a false belief built around the fear. They did all that to spread their religion by creating mass hysteria & Panic among normal ordinary folks & forced them to start fearing Paganism.

  1. The most famous method as told in some of the old folklores & encounters is about a Witch’s Mark. A witch’s mark is said to be the mark put on the bodies of witches by the Devil after their dark baptism. This mark will appear as in some kind of black blood clot on the body of the witch. According to witch-hunters, the witches' mark or devil's mark indicated that an individual was a witch. The Witch or Devil's mark was believed to be the permanent marking of the Devil as he created the mark by raking his claw across their flesh, or by making a blue or red brand using a hot iron. Sometimes, the mark was believed to have been left by the Devil licking the individual. The witches' teat was a raised bump somewhere on a witch's body. It is often depicted as having a wart-like appearance.

  2. Dead flowers around the house were believed to be the case of an extremely negative aura. Such an Aura that nothing with life could survive in. That kind of Aura doesn’t mean that she’s a witch; it could mean a lot of things, she could either be possessed by some evil entity & killing her will only going to ensure your permanent position in hell.

  3. Familiars as pets, any women who was seen with black cats were definitely accused of witchcraft in the 16th century. They were accused of harboring a familiar which is actually nothing but a demon that survived on them and helps them with magic. Familiars are known to take any shape of an animal and thus accompany witches.

  4. Free thinkers; If a woman is a free thinker that questions the orthodox beliefs & rather trust the facts were immediately accused of witchcraft. Many women who believed in medical aids rather than just praying were accused as well. Few women who knew few herbs and Homeopathic plants were accused of magic and spells were killed by burning on stacks.

A witch(especially Women) is believed to be the one that practices sorcery and malleus magic involving Supernatural elementals from the Universal Mother Goddess Earth and thus each elementals(a supernatural entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means) have been given a specific place in the altar involving Idolatry which gives the practitioner specific temporary supernatural abilities of the particular elemental.
Real Witch spotted in India

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Now, I will explain 12 real signs that could determine if she’s a witch or not.

  1. Women Obsessed with power: The first thing you should notice is the obsession for power almost as if she’s possessed by the lust or hunger of it. Crazy the obsession is, more chances of her being involved in witchcraft is a possibility or she could just be a nutcase. When a person starts their journey into witchcraft; the very first thing that happens as a reaction to it is becoming obsessed with it. The taste of power and hunger for the control could turn them into cold dark people & it will only grow more. The more she gives into this obsession, the more she loses her soul into it.

  2. Women who're weird around others pets but herself have pets: This could be a sign that she has a familiar living with her. Notice if she’s unsympathetic to other pets or animals while having the same breed as her own pet. Even if she’s faking it you could always notice. That’s a serious red flag. Women who are afraid of black cats but could keep a pet snake is again definitely a red flag.

  3. Witch’s teat: It’s actually a suction mark and is not as some might say, “a third nipple”. No! It’s not. It’s a warped suction point mark and might appear like a skin coloured mole and usually could be hidden close to the intimate areas so that no one could see that. Familiars and small entities assist them in magic & feed on their blood and hence the suction marks. These familiars are actually low level insectoid demons that are parasitic in nature and feed on blood. If not humans then they prey on the blood of cattles. These demons as on the demand by their Witch mistress could take the form of any animal or griffins. They can’t alter their course of appearance much. They seek any new practitioner and offer them their fealty as a familiar servant and in return of their blood to feed. They asked for a place to stay and in the form which the Witch found suitable to live with. The biggest misconception is that; the familiar will always be in the form of a pet. A familiar could also be kept in the form of a human companion. But not all familiars have that kind of power.

  4. Extremely Selfish: This could sound absurd but a witch that is all powerful is always insecure. They will always be demanding and it doesn't matter how hard you work or whatever things are important to you; they will simply come unwanted & demand it. Even if you neglect their demands, they will irritate you, manipulate you & will stalk you everywhere. They will not take ‘no’ for an answer. They will haunt you & will make your life toxic. You will be mashed between the choices of 'whether you should kick her out of your life’ or ‘should you help her’. If a person is that much toxic around you, then it’s the time to start considering that she might actually be some old hag in disguise.

  5. Reaction towards children: They will not have children of their own and will be very repulsive & unsympathetic towards small kids. They will always be frustrated as soon as they see kids with their parents but at the same time will try to be alone with any kid they might have a chance to. They will seem as they absolutely disgrace children but still want to have one around. That’s the biggest hint to the fact that she could actually be a hundred years old witch.

  6. Symbols & Patterns: Look for the specific sigil & symbols in her day to day fashion as well as their lawn or at their front door. Look for the patterns in every home scripture to the shoes they are wearing. Look for the weird pendants or rings. These patterns are to be worn by them to intensify their strength as they do not want to feel weak & powerless. Patterns especially that somehow appear as a frog or a spider. Every floral pattern with five pentacles in anything close to them. These symbols give away their secrets and their original regional magic background. Knowing that will help you to fight their magic on yourself. I recommend if you believe you have a witch amongst you and is hurting you in any manner, then you should start reading about the old sign, sigils & ruins with their meanings and uses.

  7. Specific Plantation around their house: There are many flowers or herbs that we are not familiar with but are used in heavy witchcraft rituals like night jasmine, tulip, white roses, yarrow flowers, garcinia cambogia, rauvolfia serpentina, wolfsbane, dogsbane, vervain, ziziphus mauritiana, tamarindus indica, arum Lilies, milkmaids flowers, cow parsleys, blackthorn, hawthorn blossoms, rowan & few more that I have left. These all are used in heavy witchcrafts. So, If you find more than 5 varieties of these in the same lawn garden or balcony of a house; you know what to expect.

  8. Prophecies & Black tongue: Every witch has this deformity as we might say, that she can’t hide. Having black color patches on the tongue. There is even a similar medical condition for that too so don’t be too quick to judge just by noticing black tongue. A Witch’s black tongue is not just the color of the tongue but the power to curse with it as well. Witches got this deformity in their tongue by practicing or chanting dark incantations or curses. Any evil thing they speak from that cursed tongue shall come true. Apart from the tongue they could prophecies small incidents like, you will lose your parking tickets or do not eat this food it will cause you food poisoning or today is not a good day for you etc. anyways you know now so proceed cautiously.

  9. Cursing: There is a difference between swear words or curse words & actual cursing. If she says “Fu-k u you will never be happy” then it’s normal. But, if she says I wish you to rot in hell while the ravens eat your intestines slowly then it’s definitely not normal. So, know and realize if it’s a curse or just frustration & be careful.

  10. Spirit Sighting: Love isn’t in the air but the witch’s spirit can be. Imagine waking up in the middle of a night for a glass of water and suddenly you saw an image moving very quickly and disappearing into the darkness. Almost as if you just hallucinated in your sleep but you have seen that image before; “Oh! Sh_tt that’s my Girlfriend’s science teacher we just met today morning. Why would I be hallucinating about her? Whatever, might just be some irrational subconscious thing.”. Okay well, maybe not just a coincidence. She could be projecting herself into your house; maybe just because she’s curious about you or just bored. Who knows? So, just be cautious with her from now on.

  11. Weirdly Horny during Witching Hour: Yes! That’s a bad sign. In the middle of the night, out of the blue your doorbell rang. You check it out and find it’s your neighbor and she’s into you and she desires your company & I don’t mean anything meaningful but just pleasure and she’s very picky about that to happen during witching hours. So, don’t fall for that or you will be doomed before you realize.

  12. Identify the Coven: On special occasions like eclipse or blood moons they will leave for vacations with their female best friends or a late night book reading session or a kitty party. Do not underestimate that. Happened once, then it might be a coincidence. If it’s a habit then either your life is ruined or they could all simply be Astrological nerds; which is a very rare exception & sounds made up because it is.


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