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Updated: Sep 4, 2020

Everything you need to know about EXORCISM

In this blog we will answer the most asked questions about an Exorcism, such as:

What is an exorcism/ ruqya?

Why/How does an Exorcism/Ruqya work?

Learn Exorcism| How to perform an Exorcism/Ruqya?


What are the different types of Exorcism/Ruqya?

Do different entities require different verses/ aayat/ prayers to be Exorcised?

Why only priests are allowed to perform an Exorcism/Ruqya?

Can a person himself could perform an Exorcism/Ruqya?

a girl is being exorcised by Roman Catholic ritual by a priest
Exorcising unclean Spirit

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What is an exorcism/ ruqya?

An Exorcism is a method by which one is generating the flow of divine energy or the energy of God into a living thing (having organic cells) or a non-living thing (conductor of electricity only) and replaces all the other sources of energy that are controlling & governing the working of it(considered as the Possessed state).

Now, you must be thinking

So now that we know everything about possession, let’s know everything about Exorcism.

Priest is holding a cross of Jesus Christ to expel Evil
In the name of the Father....

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Why/How does an Exorcism/Ruqya work?

An Exorcism works on the basis of energy replacement. Think of a possessed person as a battery with certain capacity to hold certain charge. In order to maintain the balance, the person has to have both polar charges i.e. Positive as well as Negative. Now while a person is possessed, the negative charge inside the body has increased up to a certain threshold that the person is now not balanced. The ratio of Negative energy inside that person has consumed a big sum of the remaining positive energy. Now as we have discussed about the steps of possession; each step is increasing the ratio of negative energy by consuming the positive energy slowly step by step.

More dominant the negative energy inside a person is, more powerful and strong exorcism will be required to treat the person.

In case of a ghost/spirit/poltergeist the ratio of negative: positive is around 65:35. But if this ratio increases up to 75:25, then the ghost possession is to be treated with the same caution as in the case of a Demon/Djinn possession. A powerful demon like Bael could change this ratio up to 99:01.

So, in order for an Exorcism to work; one should balance the person’s energy ratio back to the standard or 50:50. To do that one should have the knowledge to channel the energy of the divine and light on to the person. This knowledge is more of an ability & this ability is developed over the years of spirituality & faith believes and practices. If one practice a religion (any religion) he/she should be able to follow the spirituality that exists inside every soul. Now if the person is being able to be spiritual & have faith in the Divine; he/she could channel the divine by any prayer/verse/aayat/ritual they have been performing and practicing for a long time in order to achieve spirituality.

Now, it also depends on the level of spiritual integrity a person has. As if a person is only at the beginning of his/her spiritual journey; they could exorcise a case of 65:35. But if the same person tries to exorcise a case around 75:25; then it will backfire and the chances of the possessed person to recover diminishes and could even lead to the death of that person.

The same scenario works in the case of an old demon. A demon like Bael which possesses at a ratio up to 99:01; requires an exorcist that have the same spiritual ability & faith that could turn that into 01:99.

*note: we talked about the spirituality & faith which is basically the same as the personal belief in God.

If a person truly believes in GOD; then the person shall be delivered with unimaginable strength as well during the exorcism.

And for the belief that strong; the person should really be spiritual enough to be able to actually know/touch/see the Divine energy of the creation or God. Then only his/her faith could be impenetrable.

Learn Exorcism | How to perform an Exorcism/Ruqya?

We will talk about this in procedural steps, as we want to be accurate that you get the exact answer you looking for.

Step 1: The person should be able to connect to the Divine & to channel its Protection on his/her soul. To be able to do that, a person should have a knowledge of its respective religion’s truth and not to be deviated from its path under any circumstances. Now as he/she practices their religion; they should be able to decode and summarized to the fact that the main purpose of a religion is to achieve spirituality and if you can’t then please don’t go on to the next step.

Step 2: The person that has tapped into the spiritual realm through whatsoever religious practices should understand that the spiritual realm is one and the same and no matter which path(religion) you chose; the main purpose is to reach here in this very realm. While in that realm you have to offer your prayers and love unto the Divine or God. These prayers that you offer now will become your channel to connect to the Divine under any circumstances. Keep a note to that.

Step 3: Now specially before performing an Exorcism, you have to keep your system clean and pure of any intoxicating material and even the thoughts. You shall be fasting properly (as to avoid greed and lust) and shouldn’t be eating any kind of non-vegetarian food, shouldn’t consume any form of alcohol or drugs or caffeine, should be following celibacy for your body as well as for your mind as no lustful thoughts should remain. Try to follow these practices for a period of 40 days if you are preparing yourself for a big Exorcism. If you do that for even 3 days it will work but a 40 days period will give you super spiritual strength to perform a big level exorcism on even an entity like IBLIS/BAEL/BELZEBUB/LUCIFER.

Step4: Now you have to learn some Exorcism spells and verses such as a Latin Exorcism spell from the Bible or even in other languages. You could also read through a Ruqya aayat also. Below is the links of verses of two very widely known spells/verses/prayers.

Step 5: So now you have to memorize the Exorcism spells and then you have to read it with complete devotion daily 5 times whenever you feel you are at your purest. This will also help you increase your spirituality. Remember you have to do this practice along with a Chant Garland which is allowed to you by your religion and repeat the spell for 40,000 times in order to perfect the spell.

Step 6: Now that you are ready; you have to learn the basic rules that you should keep as a must during an exorcism. They are:

Make sure you are not bleeding from any place in your body. Make sure you are clean and sober & under no emotional reflexes. Make sure that you maintain your distance from the possessed & do not touch them. Make sure when the possess will try to run away you have bounded it within the circle of holly substances, that could be salt, holy oil, enchanted saffron, enchanted rice etc. Make sure once you start the exorcism; do not stop or take break as it will only weakens the possessed vessel. Keep your soul protected at all time and at any cost. Keep your Aura protected.

*note: I am an Exorcist myself and thus telling you with exact accuracy that if you have perfected a spell or any exorcism spell; if you even read it once in front of a possessed it will exorcise the entity regardless of how powerful the entity is. So, if you are not a priest and you want to learn to Exorcise any entity, you have to perfect the spell for 40,000 times within 40 days by keeping the perfect decorum as mentioned in step3 & step5 above. Also note that under any circumstances do not make a deal to save a possessed person as it will only be temporary.

A father is showing his Roman Catholic Ritual books on Exorcism
Exorcism world wide practice

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What are the different types of Exorcism/Ruqya?

Well basically the very essence of all of them are same but still there are different methods to it as explained below.

1. Exorcism/Ruqya by verses and spells.

This is what we have discussed above. The exorcism in which one’s spirituality and faith are the main weapons to fight the evil. Verses & perfected spells are also included into the same.

2. Exorcism/Ruqya by purification rituals.

This is the exorcism in which purification rituals are the main ingredients. There are many purification rituals mentioned in the holy books of different religions. Some home remedies as well. In this the faith & spirituality are not the main weapons but still they are involved. Some of the ritualistic purification rituals can be by the Holy water blessed by any relic of any religion. Also, the Holy Oil and the blood of saints and sometimes old shamanic rituals through fire and sage have been used. They also work depending on the authenticity of the items used for ritual.

3. Exorcism/Ruqya by the sacrifice.

These are the Exorcism ritual which requires a sacrifice & blood of a living such as a Chicken or a Goat. This exorcism is very famous in Africa. These practices fall under the huge magic section of Hoodoo & Wudu practices. In this type of Exorcism, the Priest binds the possessing spirit to an animal which is then sacrificed in the name of their major deity and hence the possessing spirit is being destroyed.

4. Exorcism/Ruqya by the black magic or Tantra.

There are many steps and methods of Exorcism under Black magic as it involves the binding of the possessing entity under the laws of the universe known to Witches. If the possessing entity doesn’t obey the rules of the universe then it will be destroyed. This practice usually involves the power extracted by the nature and hence it usually binds the possessing demons or spirits to a lamp or a tree or some other object and then that object is to be kept isolated from the world into the depths where no man reaches and if someone violates the isolation of that object then the possessing entity is free and immediately possess the violator.

5. Exorcism/Ruqya by invoking the Deity or an Angel.

In this method of Exorcism, one calls upon to the Deity or Angel the one has been praying to for years seeking their protection. And if the prayers were made from the heart over the years; the Angel or the Deity is bound to protect the person who’s invoking the Super beings.

There is certain conjuring or Invoking prayers and rituals known to work for certain deities and for certain angels.

As the word Ruqya itself is the name of an Archangel Raphael that is known for the healing and protection. Raphael is said to be called when one desires or needs urgent healing from any kind of mishap including a possession.

Do different entities require different verses/ aayat/ prayers to be Exorcised?

As we have discussed earlier; Spirituality & Faith are the main tools to perform an Exorcism. But yes, saying the right Verses are equally as important. Specially in case of Intelligent Entities like Djinns/Demons & BramhaRakshas. They can speak the entire ritual or verse of exorcism or spell in reverse causing the repossession on the vessels. They are very powerful and only the people with strong faith in their prayers and worship will be able to get pass through their immense power. They have only one advantage over the exorcist and that is their power to bear great amount of pain caused to them by the exorcism spells and their show of confidence as if nothing’s happened to them. That kind of show breaks the spirit of many exorcists but the one who knew them & could see through their lies can exorcise them with the proper verses that are strong enough to harm them.

Priest holding a cross of Christ
Cross of Jesus Christ

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Why only priests are allowed to perform an Exorcism/Ruqya?

A priest is the one who’s accepted the responsibility to be a servant of the God & while accepting that burden it requires a lifestyle that is extremely devoted to the God. In their devotion and prayers on accepting God with open heart and immense faith, gives them spiritual strength much greater than a normal human being. Now as we have already discussed about how to Exorcise by yourself; you knew the extreme diet, isolation from the earthly lusts & greed, celibacy all that are normal to them. So, they are definitely spiritually & faithfully associated to God on a level that one can only wish for. That makes them very powerful exorcists. In front of the face of the true evil where a normal human will struggle to survive the fight; they are the one’s who could triumph evil. So, in every religion the priests are the first option to perform an exorcism. Hence, only the priests are allowed to perform an exorcism in many religions.

Can a person himself could perform an Exorcism/Ruqya?

Yes, A person himself could perform an exorcism but it is advised not to. As it could be very dangerous for both the Exorcist as well for the Possessed. Kindly check the section above in which we have discussed about how to perform an exorcism and you will understand the amount of faith, devotion & spirituality required to perform an exorcism on powerful entities. If you are not sure that you possess the required faith and devotion, please do not risk your life and soul as well as the life & soul of the possessed.


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