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Updated: Jan 5, 2021


By the account of what King Solomon has written, is that on the Staff of Moses; there were 31 names, Among which there is a name by which one can perform miracles, open locks, bind tongues, divide evildoers, subdue tyrants & summon any terrestrial spirits.
Lazarus Rising

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Christmas is the most Holy and Sacred of all the festivals celebrated by the Christians. As on this day, 25th December is believed to be the Date of Birth of Jesus Christ. We have Christmas on our hand and

what better way to celebrate Christmas than by knowing the Invocation that Jesus Christ did to save people.

For those of you who haven't been familiar with these incidents; we are talking about the

first of three miracles of Jesus in the canonical gospels in which he raises the dead, the other two being the raising of Jairus' daughter and of Lazarus.

Today we will give away the sacred spell written on the staff of Moses that was also used by the Lord Jesus Christ to perform these miracles. As given & explained in the King Solomon’s Magical Grimoire.

By the account of what King Solomon has written, is that on the Staff of Moses; there were 31 names, Among which there is a name by which one can perform miracles, open locks, bind tongues, divide evildoers, subdue tyrants & summon any terrestrial spirits.
Jesus resurrecting Lazarus

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*Note that these spells are not for you to use in the manner Jesus used it.

These spells only work because allowed by the Supreme God and thus may or may not work for you. But, the spell will certainly heal your soul & divinity contained by your soul, as well it will heal the people who were in need of the divinity.

Do not think even for a second that this spell will give you power or dominion over life and death. Think of it as the prayer or the blessings it could bestow upon the people in need as allowed by God.



The staff is first mentioned in the Book of Exodus (chapter 4, verse 2), when God appears to Moses in the burning bush. God asks what Moses has in his hand, and Moses answers "a staff" ("a rod" in the KJV version). The staff is miraculously transformed into a snake and then back into a staff. The staff is thereafter referred to as the "rod of God" or "staff of God".

By the account of what King Solomon has written, is that on the Staff of Moses; there were 31 names, Among which there is a name by which one can perform miracles, open locks, bind tongues, divide evildoers, subdue tyrants & summon any terrestrial spirits.
Staff of Moses

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"And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs". And Moses went and returned to Jethro his father in law, and said unto him, "Let me go, I pray thee, and return unto my brethren which are in Egypt, and see whether they are yet alive". And Jethro said to Moses, "Go in peace". And the LORD said unto Moses in Midian, "Go, return into Egypt: for all the men are dead which sought thy life". And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and he returned to the land of Egypt: and Moses took the rod of God in his hand. (KJV. Exodus chapter 4)

Moses and Aaron appear before the pharaoh when Aaron's rod is transformed into a serpent. The pharaoh's sorcerers are also able to transform their own rods into serpents, but Aaron's rod swallows them. Aaron's rod is again used to turn the Nile blood-red. It is used several times on God's command to initiate the plagues of Egypt. During the Exodus, Moses stretches out his hand with the staff to part the Red Sea. While in the "wilderness" after leaving Egypt Moses follows God's command to strike a rock with the rod to create a spring for the Israelites to drink from (Exodus 17:5-7). Moses does so, and water springs forth from the rock in the presence of the Elders of Israel.

Moses also uses the staff in the battle at Rephidim between the Israelites and the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8-15). When he holds up his arms holding the "rod of God" the Israelites "prevail", when he drops his arms, their enemies gain the upper hand. Aaron and Hur help him to keep the staff raised until victory is achieved.

Finally, God tells Moses to get water for the Israelites from a rock by speaking to the rock (Numbers 20:8). But Moses, being vexed by the complaining of the Israelites, instead of speaking to the rock as God commanded, strikes the rock twice with the staff. Because Moses did not obey God's command to speak to the rock, implying lack of faith, God punished Moses by not letting him enter into the Promised Land (Numbers 20:12).

By the account of what King Solomon has written, is that on the Staff of Moses; there were 31 names, Among which there is a name by which one can perform miracles, open locks, bind tongues, divide evildoers, subdue tyrants & summon any terrestrial spirits.
Staff of Moses

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By the account of what King Solomon has written, is that on the Staff of Moses; there were 31 names, Among which there is a name by which one can perform miracles, open locks, bind tongues, divide evildoers, subdue tyrants & summon any terrestrial spirits.

By the account of what King Solomon has written, is that on the Staff of Moses; there were 31 names, Among which there is a name by which one can perform miracles, open locks, bind tongues, divide evildoers, subdue tyrants & summon any terrestrial spirits.
Staff of Moses

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The Divine God created The Angels of the Canopies of greatness & glories.
These were the Angels whose names were cried out by Adam(the first man) after God accepted his repentance.
These were the very names that Lord Jesus Christ invoked during the ailments of the people.

By doing that; Lord Jesus Christ resurrects the dead & heals the living by God’s permission. It is believed that, by invoking these angels by calling out their names will bestow great gifts of greatness and glory.

There are some sacred characters that were engraved on the staff of Moses and the staff was touched by God , thus these characters (that we will share below) are known to have divine energy in them.

Obviously these texts have a meaning as were meant to be spoken to all the believers. But was kept hidden by few who were fortunate enough to have gotten access to it.

King Solomon received this knowledge by the Divine and thus wrote it in his grimoire also known as the Key Of Solomon, So that all could have access to that knowledge. Unfortunately the authentic version of that is still kept hidden by few of those people who fear that the spread of knowledge could kill their supremacy over others.

By the account of what King Solomon has written, is that on the Staff of Moses; there were 31 names, Among which there is a name by which one can perform miracles, open locks, bind tongues, divide evildoers, subdue tyrants & summon any terrestrial spirits.
Spell of Resurrection

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We will give you the 28 names of the Angels written on the staff as were known to us. They are as following:

  1. Ani

  2. Bayrakh

  3. Bayrukh

  4. Barkhawa

  5. Shayrakh

  6. Sharukh

  7. Yatmakh

  8. Shakhaya

  9. Mukh

  10. Fasikh

  11. Shamukh

  12. Shamikha

  13. Makhikha

  14. Arikha

  15. Bayrukha

  16. Bihaya

  17. Ya Buma

  18. Huriyawamah

  19. Maharut

  20. Ya Huh

  21. Shaymu

  22. Malsayamim

  23. Maqnana

  24. Bishafharaz

  25. Harazir

  26. Barukh

  27. Sharfayukh

  28. Balukha

For pronunciation I am attaching the scanned page from the Grimoire of Solomon

In addition to these names, There were certain characters on the staff as shown in the picture below,

These texts above are the exact spells engraved on the Staff of Moses. If you can read these texts then you could certainly invoke the Divinity.

Thanks me later!


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