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Updated: Sep 25, 2020

wishmaster movie jinn

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The very first thing I want to clarify is that, Djinns are not an Islamic being. Although they are specifically mentioned in their Holly books numerous times but that doesn’t make them Islamic. Djinns according to Islam are beings made by Allah. So, the first thing we will talk about is Djinns or Jinnah according to Islam and then I will decode Djinns for you all with what they truly are. ‘Jinn’ word is originated from Arabic word ‘Jann’ which means something can’t be seen by eyes.

For the real explanation of the subject check the last of the Blog>

the first of all the jinns who refuse to prostate to adam

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According to Islam; Allah made 3 beings i.e. By light ‘he’ made Angels, By Soil ‘he’ made Humans & By the Smokeless and flameless fire, ‘He’ made the Djinns. Djinns were made along side angels and before humans. Unlike angels, The Djinns have a free will just as Humans. They were made prior humans & were supposed to be the surviving creatures of Earth. But then ‘Allah’ changed his mind and then created Humans to inhabit the Earth.

In some of the scriptures; Humans were known to be kicked out of paradise onto the Earth (as in paradise was in the lower heaven) after the Apple of EDEN incident as we all know.

paradise made for adam and eve by the GOD
Garden of EDEN

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Tough to imagine right? Well not quite. Here let me explain; light a candle and look closely the fire. At the very epicenter of a fire you see a dark shallow transparent something. That darkness is what we called a smokeless & flameless fire.

fire in a candle

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If we want a scientific approach then think of the smokeless & flameless fire as the ‘HEAT’. Yes, the Heat that can burn anything and is a pure form of energy that cannot be created by any Men. Heat is the pure energy combustion output of a fire and is able to burn anything most severely than the Fire itself. Heat is an energy that you can’t see. So Yes, you can’t see something that is made of Heat. Hence, Proved.


Quran images of djinns
Mention of djinns in Islam

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There are 3 types of Djinn according to the Quran.

1. Air born (They have the ability to fly and be in the air, they don’t stay and interfere they just fly and pass places to places & some people in Islam might even call them “आसमानी बला” or “آسمانی بلا”. They don’t have a physical body or appearance)

2. Animal born (They have the ability to transform themselves into certain animals and that way they will interfere with humans and simply live among them specially in the form of a Black Dog, Camel or a Snake but they have their limitations. If they are in their animal forms then even, they can’t hide certain attributes that differs them from normal animals like long faces and eyes or unique color in snakes)

3. Place born (They often possess places and objects and yet move from one place to another as they please. They are the ones to settle down in places along with their families and even colonies in some cases. They live socially among themselves and in places that were old built and abandoned)


1. JINNI: They are the individual Djinn while denoting singular entity. Jinnath are the plural of Jinni.

jinn jann djinn iblis ifrit afreet amaar aamar jinnath ghoul sheik shaitan shaiteen palis hinn marid nasnas shiqq silaat

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2. AAMAR: They are the djinns that live among humans as they attach themselves to certain people. Amaar is their plural.

jinn jann djinn iblis ifrit afreet amaar aamar jinnath ghoul sheik shaitan shaiteen palis hinn marid nasnas shiqq silaat

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3. ARWAAH: They are the ones that antagonize specially the youngsters but can cause ill thoughts to any human.

jinn jann djinn iblis ifrit afreet amaar aamar jinnath ghoul sheik shaitan shaiteen palis hinn marid nasnas shiqq silaat

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4. SHAITAN: They are the personification of Evil. They are simply what you called a Devil and by devil I don’t mean Lucifer. Shayateen means the legion of devils.

jinn jann djinn iblis ifrit afreet amaar aamar jinnath ghoul sheik shaitan shaiteen palis hinn marid nasnas shiqq silaat

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5. AFREET: They are the actual powerful possessing Djinns that you heard stories about. They are the evil doers that can cause harm directly physically and brutally. They will not misguide you; they will simply kill you brutally.

jinn jann djinn iblis ifrit afreet amaar aamar jinnath ghoul sheik shaitan shaiteen palis hinn marid nasnas shiqq silaat

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Later on, when Islamic revolution started; They began converting all the demigods & deities worshipped regionally into evil demons and djinns and hence the later on classification were just an attempt to defames the Non-Islamic Gods.

1. Jann: They are the same old Jinni as discussed above.

Real jinn caught on camera

Real jinn caught on camera

2. Hinn: They are the animal borne djinns as discussed above or simply shape shifters.

Real jinn caught on camera

3. ‘Ifrit: They are the actual powerful possessing Djinns that are the evil doers that can cause harm directly physically and brutally.

Real jinn caught on camera

Real jinn caught on camera

4. Marid: They are simply as we have discussed the beings accessible by the Water Portals>

Real jinn images

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5. Nasnas: They are simply the ‘Gandharvas’ as we call them in Sanatan dharma. They are the spiritual spirits of the Heaven’s court and musicians and they are also considered as the division of Angels that helps produce the music.

Real jinn caught on camera
Nasnas / Gandharva

Real jinn caught on camera

6. Palis: They are the evil spirit that are called ‘Dankini’. They are low level vampires that feeds on the sleeping people. They have a face similar to a mosquito.

Real jinn caught on camera
Palis vampire

Real jinn caught on camera
Palis Vampire

7. Shaitan: The good old Demons or the devils which misguides your action into evil deeds and doomed your soul to Hell.

Real jinn caught on camera

Real jinn caught on camera

8. Shiqq: They are the ‘Cyclops’ that are usually assigned guards to certain treasures. They don’t have an upper body or lower body. They just have a giant head.

Real jinn caught on camera
Shiqq / Cyclops

9. Ghoul: The ghoul are nocturnal creatures who inhabit graveyards, ruins and other lonely places. Sometimes they are described as dead humans who sleep for long periods in secret graves, then awake, rise and feast on both the living and the dead.

The shape-shifting, cannibalistic, and blood-drinking creatures that feed on the flesh of human beings, especially travelers, children or corpses stolen out of graves.

Real jinn caught on camera

Real jinn caught on camera

10. Si’lat: They are an ugly Succubus female Djinn in most of the cases and they often appear as very beautiful female and seduces humans. They pray on Humans and their real form is an Animal Human hybrid of 3 species i.e. Human, Animal & Reptile. They were simply ‘SPHINX’ before they were considered a djinn. Also known to be the smartest of all Djinns.

Real jinn caught on camera
Silat Jinn

Real jinn caught on camera
Sillat Jann

Real jinn caught on camera
possessed by silat jinn


They are pre humanoid species that were the real inhabitant of the earth before the birth of humans. They are not like demigods and deities that needs to access a portal to get into our realty instead they are already a part of our reality. They were made up of Heat energy (as in smokeless and flameless fire).

Earth is billions of years old and for few millions of years ago the earth had a very hot atmosphere. Survival of physical beings were limited to certain reptilians like species, spiders and certain micro-organisms only. So, from the heat energy the life has been created and they evolved into an intelligent species just as the humans evolved themselves over the time. They were born even before the normal green vegetation evolved so they feed on everything they can get a gaseous substance out of & they settle down their colonies near the sources of that. They have their own moral values and as they are created by energy & energy as a being survives for thousands of years before passing on to other form of life.

So, is something made of just energy could die?

Yes, they certainly could because they are not just energy, they are made up of energy but are a being. Every being into existence that is more then just energy could die.

Now, they saw evolution of the entire planets and hence they know the secrets we didn’t even heard of. They saw Dinosaurs evolve and perish and now humans.

So, why do they interfere in the affairs of Humans?

Because humans actually interfere into their affairs. We took the entire planet as ours and pretty much ruling over every living being on it. We have destroyed nature and created havoc over all of it. So, we have accidentally stepped onto their nerves. They interfere only when we get near them and try to do harm to their livelihood unknowingly or knowingly.

They are also attracted to the shinny objects and ornaments and thus tend to guard the old buried treasures of the earth. They are very powerful so as they could do any harm to any human being as they pleased. Also, they were known to have an originated from Syria and Egypt. They were the old habitats of Pre-Islamic countries especially Arab as the heat were favorable to them. Over the years they have came in contact with lots of humans and looked closely how spirituality has given peace to human beings. And thus, to achieve spirituality without having a soul they follow religion. As the humans believed religion blindly and their faith inspired the Djinns to knew who God really is and his work as mentioned in the Islam.

Earlier djinns who have actually seen the evolution of earth hasn’t been around while the human evolution as it took millions of years and they could only live up to one thousand years. So as per the Islamic revolution they were already at the place where these religious revolutions started and few of the old ones took interest in hearing about the story that explained their origin. So, a majority of those old ones became followers of Islam and hence began to fear Allah & their Angels. But other remains prideful and didn’t accepted any religion but of their own and that’s magic and they feared the old deities of the forces of nature that have defeated and killed many of the strongest of them over the time with their might and power.

So, how does an exorcism of Islamic ritual works on them?

It began as the Oldest of them accepting Islam and became God fearing beings and that teachings and beliefs runs in their families for generations till now. So around half of the djinns are Islamic already and hence on the name and verses from their holy books tend them to be righteous and merciful to the humans & they leave.

But as for the rest of them; They are very dangerous and powerful. So, in order to exorcise them you can’t use the name of any religion of the world or the prayers but instead you actually have to know the name of the possessing djinn and thus command him/her to leave or you will enslave them by magic which is only possible if you know their Djinn name. But even that’s not enough for every one of them as they are very prideful and brutal. So, now you have to call upon the Old djinns that are Islamic and will help you to defeat them as you force them in the name of Islam. Even if that doesn’t work and you found the possessing Djinn much more powerful then the one you called then there’s only one last option left and that is the Invocation of those Old deities who were known to kill even the eldest and strongest of the Djinns. They fear those deities as they have the power to actually kill them & if you are not a follower of those deities then you call upon the fiercest warrior angels of the God as they were almost as powerful as the Old deities of earth. They will leave the possessed person immediately.


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