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My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.

Let’s be honest for a minute; To Every so- called Vampire or Dracula expert in the world, where does your knowledge actually come from??

Novels & Movies, right!

Well they are all nothing but just a fantasy fiction for your entertainment. They are not real, although people have been saying that for years that they have been influenced by real history but that history is creatively changed into a horror flick for the audience.

Some writers in history have actually been able to publish few works that seem so real that everyone believed it to be. For instance H.P Lovecraft, Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker etc.

My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.

So, where to look, whom to believe?

Everything we know now is because of the early civilization’s literature that they have left for us to read & understand. What makes those scriptures & literatures real? What proof do we have that those which have been written or engraved in Egypt or caves or temples haven’t been a work of fiction?

Answer is; Experience it yourself. Go look for what’s written and then search for yourself physically in the world and not just on your computer screens. Having a thorough knowledge of what has been written is good but rely on the earliest scriptures and Holy books for knowledge and then look for the proof of what’s been written. Do you find it true and existing or did you just have faith & hallucination?


My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old.

My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.

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They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know now. Many names of them as known in many early religions are as follows:

  1. Piśāca

  2. Pishacha

  3. Yakshi

  4. Shtriga

  5. Vrykolakas

  6. Strigoi

  7. Dhampir

  8. Lugat

  9. Karkanxholi

  10. Poltergeist

  11. Revenants

  12. Tympanios

  13. Vorvolakos or Vourdoulakas

  14. Vukodlak

  15. Wilkolak

  16. Vilkolakis

  17. Hobgoblin

  18. Goblin

  19. Silat Jinn

  20. Masaan

Etc. and the list goes on & on…

So, all these entities exhibit similar characteristics as that of what you called a vampire.

I have been studying many cases over the years and have looked in on cases including all these beings and not particularly about Vampire as that would have manipulated my research into another fantasy fiction. Based on my research and my knowledge,

Here I present to you;


My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.

Vampires can be categorized as:

1. Physical Vampires:

A Physical Vampire is the one that walks amongst us as humans. You could touch them and they could do as well. They feed on human bodily fluids but not as described in the movies. They do not feed on your blood with their fangs, instead they seduce their prey into a physical sexual encounter and then feed on their bodily release of orgasmic fluids. These Vampires could be male or female but when it comes to target their prey, they are Bisexual and would be willing to seduce any prey. Their victims after the intercourse will appear sickly and completely drained and if they check their blood levels, it will also go down by 2-3 points. They do not suck the blood of their victims directly but during intercourse through energy. The amount of energy they suck from their prey causes them blood loss.

My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.

How could you identify these beings?

One could identify these beings by their eyes and teeth, They would have specially highlighted beautiful eyes and are bigger than the average person. Also, they have deranged teeth alignment without a pattern so they often hide them while speaking. They can’t seduce you if you are wearing glasses or shades. To seduce you, they had to look directly and straight into your eyes.

While Intercourse if you could notice, then you will see a lot of bulging veins and by that I mean a little extraordinary veins. Rather than all that, there is no other way to identify them. Also, It would all be very easy if you could read people’s auras, then you wouldn’t have to look for anything else and you would simply know.

My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.


These beings could easily walk in daylight but don't want to. Sunlight couldn’t hurt them but they would feel irritated while in sunlight or any bright light. They have similar body conditions and allergies as that of normal human beings except for Vermillion. They could not touch vermillion as it wouldn’t hurt them physically but somehow it could still hurt them.

Hawthorn flower is toxic to them as similar as a peanut would be to the peanut allergic person. Also, Hawthorn is known to keep venomous reptiles & insects away.

2. Spiritual/Ghost Vampires:

They do not have a physical body or appearances. They are the ghostly beings with mischievous intentions. They often attack sleeping people. They are not born as a Vampire instead they are the people that have died and are most likely to become a poltergeist but due to their lust for the food they transform into a vampire.

My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.

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They always feel this insatiable hunger for everything and an unquenchable thirst for blood. They stray from path to path and the people they attack mostly are their own family and friends from their life. They do so because their loved ones are easy to attack for them. They wait for them to sleep and then they try to reach to them in their dreams or subconscious thoughts. Once they find you emotional then they try to possess you into certain fluctuations of greed, hunger & anger. They cannot possess you completely but they could fluctuate certain strong emotions into you. They will force you to cut yourself or hurt yourself and others around you and if you do, then they will feed on your blood or meat & even on your pain and energy of impact. They will feed on everything you have and will drain you completely to the point where only slow death is all you could see. These are the most dangerous of them all as their predatory and parasitic nature is beyond anything else and that’s all they would ever feel. Always remember that people were only your family or friends until they took their last breath, after that they aren’t so you grief, you love & you miss them but let go; Always let go.

My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.

You become what you love and if you love the Dead, you will become dead even while living.


They are pretty easy to get rid of. All you have to do is to identify them and loudly call out to them and order them to leave and be where they should and leave you alone. If you do that with self respect and authority then they will leave immediately and won’t return until you cross paths with them again. And if you do again then order them to leave again and it will work as before. If they have been attached to you for a long time then it would take a lot of will power to push them away and dominate them but it will work. Also You could always take religious help anytime and it will always work easily as long as you have belief in that religious ceremony or prayer or priest etc.

3. Specter Vampires:

These are the ones that are to be feared. These have been what those movies and novels have been trying to paint to you in a different image and characteristics they actually have. They are particularly Demonic but also have a morality with them. They have the same powers as that of Demons or Djinns.

My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.

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These are the ones that are immortal or undead really. In life they were all great Kings/ Queens/ Emperors or Powerful people that were feared by hundreds and even thousands. These people who have lived their life either cruelly or more as the one that has possessed people’s life as their master or boss around them. The people who always believed that there is no Superpower beyond them even when they died they refuse to give the Death and afterlife power over them. In life these people have loved power over all, perhaps even more than their own children or spouse or parents or God. So, once they died they never let go of that lust for power. They often live in old Family Houses or forts that were built by them or their ancestors. Many of those old forts or left of Buildings and wreckages have been known as haunted mansions or castles all around the globe for the same matter. These beings attach themselves to these properties and stay there to rule.

They feed on the people who visits these mentions by killing them (They kill people by pushing them from the stairs or edges) and then keeping their souls as slaves. More people they have killed, the more powerful they become. Perhaps even more powerful than a Demi-God if they have killed hundreds.

Their Powers: They are able to manifest themselves as however they like due to their Demonic abilities hence shapeshifting.

My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.

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Their real appearance however would be very similar to that of pointed ears and extra long forehead and sharp cannibalistic teeth as well as they will have dark blood red eyes and bulging veins all over them.

They can attack you physically, scratch you or even bite you but that won’t be deadly. Those will be only to make you feel weak and out powered by something dangerous and demonic.

They do drink your blood but not as shown in the movies; they will scratch you and while you drip blood they would feed on the energy of that blood. They would eat your flesh but not as shown in the movies; they will keep you dead body to rot somewhere naturally and as it rots then they would feed on the energy released due to decomposition of the flesh. And after that they would feed on your soul forever.

My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.

Weaknesses: They are Demonic so only an exorcism could condemn them to hell. Any kind of religious exorcism would work on them as long as it would overpower them. They could be either condemned to hell which is very difficult to achieve. But if you could bind them to their graves then it could also work. They will only come out once their graves have been desecrated or blood will be spilled over it as it gives them energy to come out again. Once condemned them to Hell then It would be permanent.

My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.

This image is subjected to the copyright of its rightful owner. This image is not a property of paratantra society.

*note: Spiritual/Ghost & Specter Vampires are the one that actually need your permission to enter your house. They can’t trespass as they are not living.

I hope you find this article helpful, Thank you.

My knowledge comes from the early mentions of the Vampiristic beings in Holy Scriptures & Literatures that are 4000-2500 years old. They have mentioned numerous different species or beings also they have mentioned many cursed entities that possess the same parasitic characteristics as that of a Vampire that we know.


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