The first thing you need to know before starting your journey into supernatural or paranormal is the Divine & Protection>
I am assuming that you have already completed step 1 so now let’s talk about the second step i.e. understanding the supernatural world. Everything we see in the Universe are connected with each other or we could say are dependent on each other. Just as we’ve been taught in schools about the natural cycle of survival.
You know the usual: Sun heats the Ocean water causing Evaporation into the formation of cloud. Clouds rain due to condensation and is the reason for the earth to be fertile and growth of life on lands. Clouds are moved by the wind which are because of the ocean tides eventually because of the Moon’s gravitational force. Trees grows because of rain and produces Oxygen or air we breathe which is our first requirement to be alive. And air circulates oxygen into Atmosphere and Yadi Yada blah…..
So, everything is connected and dependent on one another. This is exactly the case for the Supernatural as well. There are different Portals that exist in our world. To access supernatural, you have to access these portals and even before accessing you need to identify those portals. Let’s talk about those portals.
There are actually 14 realms of magic to be exact and so is 14 kinds of portals. Every realm has its own unique magic as well as species of Supernatural beings with their specific powers. So, when you need to access magic for a certain purpose then you need specific powers from specific beings. We will cover that in later posts.
So, these 14 types of portals are as follows:
1. Trees (the older the better/ specific trees reach specific species from same realms)
2. Water Sources (Natural water sources/ oceans, sea, river, pond, lake, fountain etc. reaches different species from different realms)
3. Barren lands (the bigger the better/ with less people near the better)
4. Air/ Sound (air act as a medium to conduct waves and thus sound waves with correct configuration of waves will open a portal)
5. Natural Caves (different species of snake’s cave reaches different species in their realms/ beast caves only feline or a bear)
6. Deserted Forest (forests where human’s access is almost none)
7. Place of the Dead (cremation grounds, grave yards, Battle grounds)
8. Sky (only in the clear night with different astrological positioning/ e.g. full moon, new moon etc.)
9. Birds Nest (Owls/ And similar species to Eagles & Vultures only)
10. Special rocks (rocks formation from the Volcanic eruption/Some rocks that were abstracted from meteors or celestial rocks)
11. Fire (depends on the fuel/ different fuels different species)
12. Elemental (Rudraksh / sapphire/ Diamond/ Gold/ Uranium/ Copper/ Oyster shells / emerald and few gemstones)
13. Cross roads (this is where humans paths collide, thus leaving a strong force to open a portal)
14. Touch of the GOD (when lightning and thunder touches any place, it charges it with energy for a specific portal)
*note: Special Rock, Fire & Elemental portals could work with Air Portals only.
Trees are a portal to the beings of a realm that have an earthly connection. Like anything that have been cursed to be undead for the eternity or a PHANTOM.
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These beings are made up of any of the 3 elements i.e. Fire, Air, Earth. Like if you see an entity walking at the road by the middle of the night that looks just like humans but when you start noticing you will notice the bizarre differences. Such as, they can touch the Earth but their foots are not exactly foot, it’s like cloudy foots just gliding with the earth.
These beings can touch you physically and so could you. The biggest recognizable point of every being from this realm is that they often light their feet with fire when they don’t feel to hide it. And if any person saw them during this form they will be really pissed. They will come after you with everything they have. To them its like you have seen them without their clothes on.
They are most comfortable hanging themselves around literally. These beings don’t like touching the ground as long as they don’t have to. They could walk like us but they chose not to and hence, the cloudy feet. They like to hang onto the balconies of even 10th floor if they want to talk. They never really enter your house as they hate confided areas. They could touch you physically but in their physical form you could actually punch them so yes, they chose not to be in physical form unless they want a physical interaction. If they want to hurt you, they will do it cowardly. Like they will follow you home and then they will spread depression or trauma or some sort of anxiety.
They often light their foot on fire as it somehow gives them pleasure and while that, they usually set on tall trees. So, if you pass by an unexplained forest fire by the night, don’t go be a hero. They like to live in deep forests as there it’s always dark. They love darkness and hate light but light doesn’t hurt them.
They cannot touch water or walk by it. They couldn’t cross water without a bridge so they were often trapped on an island by witches.
They won’t go near a mirror as a mirror could actually trap them. They often feed on foul air or smells. But they love cooked food.
You might have been warned often by your ancestors not to go out at night, don’t use perfumes while going out at night or never to leave an open long hair or use less fragrance of any kind & never urinate or defecate in the open specially near a tree. Because all that will compel them to follow you home.
They can be used as slave for your daily chores. Witches or warlocks they often use them.
They are an excellent tracker. They are also used to spy on people, to know about their secrets. They can’t enter your premises if you hang a black or disturbing doll at your gate of entry. They were often trapped into dolls for centuries; they fear it just like we fear death. They become paralyzed in front of cats as they could actually send them back to their realms with just a glimpse. Cats they have certain power in their sight; its like a glimpse of a reaper. They are undead but could be taken away by a reaper so they often hide from the reapers.
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How can you enslave them:
So, for that you first need to understand their nature and the governing rules of their realm. They are Junkie in nature. They could easily be hooked up to any thing that can cause them pleasure as they can never be satisfied by anything & are consumed by lust of everything. They are highly addictive to the human waste or DNA or any kind of sweetening agent or perfume.
So, find an old creepy tree which is not in human contact. The tree shouldn’t be able to bore fruits but yet still lives for many years. If it’s an Indian Plum or Jujube tree; it’s a confirmed 200% Portal.
Once, you find one then do this for 16 days:
1. Daily at midnight go to that tree and give offering (human waste or DNA or any kind of sweetening agent or perfume) for 15 days straight.
2. On the 16th day go to that tree with the offering but don’t give anything and just come back.
3. It will either appear just before you enter home or may stop you on your way by appearing in front of you.
4. If it calls you from behind. Ignore and do not turn.
5. Once it appeared in front of you, it will beg for the offering literally beg for it.
6. You have to ask it to make a promise, that it will be enslaved to you and do all that you asked in return of that offering and that it will follow all your orders without question.
7. Once it made a promise, its your slave and will do your bidding. Be sure, that it doesn’t over smarted you during making that promise and made it repeat the promise 3 times by saying all its terms and clause by making sky its witness and if it breaks the promise, it will burn immediately to nothing remains; 3 times.
8. Now, you have to make an idol of it or simply put a stone or something or a simple small cave. Means you have to give it a home. Be sure to make that home at least 2 miles away from your home and in someplace where it won’t be disturbed by anyone. Now you have to order it to come near you, only when you call it.
9. Be sure that whenever you call it after your job done give it an offering that might even be a single crystal of sugar.
Note: you have to bind that phantom to something before you die or it will not let you pass into the afterlife and will attach itself to your soul & sometimes it doesn’t even let you die but to bear excruciating pain of death and misery for almost a decade and even when you beg to die, it won’t let you until you make another deal to be a phantom just like it. It will make you its slave after you die and will feast on you.
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The beings which could be accessed by these portals aren’t earthly and bounded by the water only. They rule the water sources on which the portal exists to their realms. Different water sources reach different beings of the same realm.
If it’s an ocean;
It will reach The Beasts/ The Leviathans/ The Titans so powerful that they could end massive human lives. But no matter How powerful of a being you are; You can never open a portal that powerful to bring them in Physically only the God itself could open those portals for them. However, these beings could manifest themselves in different forms similar to humanoid but still bounded to the Oceans and never cross over into the earth. They are also responsible for tectonic plate shifting phenomenon and major waves or water cyclones or something like Tsunami. They could be accessed only by the permission of the MOON (the Deity) which is also way too complicated Magic for humans or even majority of supernatural beings. I suggest you to stay out of these portals. Not even the Reapers or Death goes there.
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If it’s a River;
It will open a Portal to the Deities that will help you to pass on to the afterlife and will protect you in the afterlife as well. These deities will act as a Protector or Guardian of life and Natural order. It has helped in the survival of Human kind for the centuries and is still working as a Protector Deity for Humans. They are always female Deities as only female could give birth in any realm. They could move onto the shores of the river and into the near lands unto which their water is being taken. If you pray to them, they will bless you with fertility and good crops and also, they will protect your family’s health. They only harm when their survival is at stake, which is very rare. Such as Nile, Ganga, Indus etc. These three are the biggest example but every single river that exists is a Portal to these motherly Deities. Human magic cannot bind them only Demigods can. Humans can pray to these deities and they are always easily pleased because of their motherly nature.
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If it’s a Fountain, Lake or Pond;
It will open a portal to the beings that are very highly intelligent form of species. They are the accounts holder of all the Gold and gems in the world. They act as the bureaucrats & bankers at the same time. They often like to ask riddles and questions that could be answered by the very wise men only. They have immense power as they have the power to take life as well give life. They can manipulate reality and could turn any metal into gold. Also, they could be accessed by more than one portal, that means their realm is accessible not just by this portal but by the Air portals as well.
Once entered into our realm they are bounded to only element which is associated with the portals that’s used to summon them here. For instance, if they have been summoned by an air portal; then they are bounded to the air for travel & if summoned by a water portal; then they are bounded to the water of that same source. They have 3 different species in their realm and 64 sub-caste within every species. They are well organized yet dangerous beings. You can not trap any of these beings but you could attach your soul onto them with a pact made only by blood; blood-pact.
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This pact forms an unbreakable relation between beings as well as the human conjurer. In which both parties have to promise their relationship unto each other. You can form any kind of relation with them. Once the pact is made, they are undoubtedly loyal and are very possessive. If you cheat on your promise; they will kill you instantly and brutally.
After you promise yourself unto the relationship with blind faith; There’s nothing in this world that they can’t give you. But no person I knew of had ever been able to stay faithful for more than 2 decades. After that every one breaks the relation & ‘the being’ broke their necks. Some cases have been registered where Djinns have also been noticed to have a similar portal near their portals.
There are 2 types of barren lands; Dry deserted barren lands & Snowy barren lands. Both serve as a portal for same realm of beings also known as Djinn. They could also be accessed by the Air Portals & Deserted Forests portals.
You might have heard millions of depictions of Djinns. But I will share what I know and seen by my own eyes.
So, first things first;
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How to access these Portals:
You have to walk by the barren lands until you see an Eagle or a Snake or a dog or a white camel & if you are walking by a snowy mountain top then walk till you see a Snow eagle/ Glowing wolf or a snow leopard. Then you have to speak in either Pashto / Persian / Aramaic or Arabian. These are the languages they answer to because that’s the language of elders.
In Pashto:
“زه تاسو ته امر کوم چې خپل ځان وښایه ځکه چې زه ستاسو په لټه کې ستاسو ځمکې ته راغلی یم.”
Means: “I command the djinn to show itself onto me as I have come seeking you to your lands”
Repeat this 3 times and it will appear. Now you have to provide him the gifts that are dry fruits and cooked food. Do not offer them Drinks. They do not like them.
Now, you have to try to make deal with them and that’s very risky. You have to trick the djinn and cuffed him or her by pure iron or just pierce a pin or nail (made of pure iron) into their skin (they will appear in the form of smoke first, You have to compel it to show it’s physical form by commanding it 3 times and it won’t like it so you better keep your protection).
Djinn’s Iron is deadly and they can’t touch it so It will request you to remove it from their skin and in return to that you have to make a deal to bound it.
Once, bounded It will give you ring made up of special gem that you have to wear every time you summon it. Do not lost that ring unto anyone or It will no longer be bounded to you and then it will do more then just killing you; you get the picture. Right?
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Djinns have God like powers. They have 10 types of species in their realm.
1. Jann
2. Hinn
3. ‘Ifrit
4. Marid
5. Nasnas
6. Palis
7. Shaitan
8. Shiqq
9. Ghoul
10. Si’lat
Everyone has specific power; we will try to provide more information on these beings in future posts.
These portals could be open anywhere. One might open it in their bedroom as well. These portals could open door to any realm. Obviously, it is associated with the SPECIAL ROCKS, FIRE and ELEMENTAL PORTALS.
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When an Air Portal is associated with all three of the rock, fire & the elemental portals all at once, then it could access any realm and any being. No matter whatever the power they possess or how complex of a hierarchy they live in.
In some cases, such as opening a CAVE PORTAL/ DESERTED FOREST / CROSSROADS/ TREES/ BIRD’S NEST PORTAL & PLACE OF THE DEAD PORTALS all could only be accessed by Air portals only at the existing portals. That means you have to be physically available In front of these portals and then you have to open an air portal with or without the rocks, elemental & fire portals; depending on the realm to access.
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BEAST CAVE PORTALS access to the beings who have an earthly connection as well with the Supreme Cosmic Entity called GOD. These beings are in their realms of bliss and content could be accessed only for the knowledge of self. These beings are the supreme beings that were made by the creation in isolation to the Heaven & Hell. They are the fragments of the body of the God. They could be present in all realms at once. These beings and their actual realm is isolated from the time and space. The Strong & furious Animals (big feline’s like sabretooth and big grizzly bear or white polar bear are created to protect the entrance into their realm).
They are often worshiped as the heavenly saints that were never born and will never be born and yet exist.
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SNAKE CAVE PORTALS are used to access to the beings of high intelligence with special eyes to see every single vibrational wave in every medium. Their realm is high frequency vibrational state of the music on which they exist physically with physical body and they appear to be a snake humanoid figure with unbelievable bearance to the heat. They are helpful in finding mystical knowledge, wealth and power. They are always attracted to the shinny stones and materials. They couldn’t be fooled or tricked into any deal. They will only be impressed by your discipline, courage and most importantly talent. They are summoned to bless the conjurer with the extra ordinary talent. The conjurer of these beings is always known to have once in a lifetime kind of talent.
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They are the portals to a whole new earthly realm. This realm has whole new species of intelligent strong monstrous beings that are pre-Humanoid as well as they have their own djinn and demi gods. The wicked witches that alter their human nature into the beasts from the wilds> as I have mentioned in our previous blogs are from this realm only. They also do have an extremely beautiful species similar humans that look very similar to the elves. They live with accordance to the nature and they couldn’t lie. You ever heard of sirens or mermaids or orcs and dragons they all belong to this realm & yes, they do have a species compared with the fairy’s that looks like giant bees and humanoids almost a foot tall but they are obviously not attractive and they look kind of creepy. Elven females are the most mesmerizing & beautiful female that you could imagine. They are connected to the trees and every elf has a tree associated with them as they born. They live as long as that tree lives and that could be hundreds of years. They only worship the oldest & the mightiest trees. They could talk to all kinds of plants.
They will never enter our realm doesn’t matter what ever you do.
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Only you could enter their realm with your physical body but they can’t come into your realm.
They are the path which leads to nowhere. If you look at them closely, you will see that it’s where the paths combined of all and thus opens a powerful portal to the Hell itself. Crossroads are where people summon the demons or where they lay them rest after a ritual. With some particular set of items in a container kept on the crossroad by the witches when they want to transfer the curse by a demon.
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If you put few coins, an incense, some burned ashes, and few bangles, vermilion all inside a carved pumpkin and let it lay on the crossroad at the witching hour; You will summon a very powerful demon to be unleashed unto the first few who crosses that crossroad. Similarly, when you are using a charm or spell to cure someone from a curse, after the ritual you keep that item on the crossroad at witching hour so it moves on.
At the cross roads the wall between the earth and hell is very thin. So, few powerful demons can easily crossover into our world but not all of them. They just keep waiting at the crossroads to be summoned by a witch or some conjurer. So, a crossroad is a very potent portal to the hell. Also ghosts & spirits they are tend to bound at the crossroads as they couldn’t pass on to the afterlife and at nights, they wait at the crossroad to interact or to go anywhere with any passing passenger.
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So, the overall concept is that nothing ever good comes out of the crossroads. Some references have talked about a crossroad demon deals but honestly, I have never witnessed any by my own eyes so I can’t confirm that but yeah, I know a few who claimed to have made a deal but not at the crossroads.
They have summoned the demon at the crossroads but it takes a whole month to trying to make a deal and after many prayers they answered and they don’t negotiate. They only ask “What you need?” and then they tell the prize for it.
After that It never ends well.
For instance,
if you ask for 500 years of healthy & wealthy life. They will say “yes but you have to say Yes to whatever I ask” in return. And then you made a deal and then they will possess you for next 500 years so you will live for 500 years but trapped inside your own self and then you will be damned for eternity.
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So, I seriously advised against that. Only witches can use those deals in their favor.
NESTS of owls and eagles are not usually seen by people. They are always hidden from the plain sight. But once you find them you have to hide and wait for the Owl or Eagle to return and then you have to trap the bird and put an iron shackle on one of its foot and then leave it alone and observe. After few minutes that bird will open the shackle by a small piece of stick and then it will fly away. Grab that stick and keep it with you.
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That stick will let you see the Past, Present & Future. Also, with that stick you can open a portal into the realm of High beings that are mighty Humanoid birds. They have their own hierarchy, kingship, castle and all. These mighty beings have been protecting the earth from mighty giant snakes that are constantly trying to destroy the natural order. They could not be summoned as they are not interested in coming to our realm. You could pray to them for their guidance and protection. They give immense physical strength to their disciples.
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PLACE OF THE DEAD is the portal to the Death/ Yamraaj/ Santa Muerte/ The Grim Reaper or whatever you called it. A place of dead is basically any place where more than 1 deaths have happened. Even hospitals or a home where more than 3 persons have died within 3 days could become a portal to the place of dead. But If you want to summon the supreme Death itself then, you have to open a portal where thousands of deaths have been accounted. For example, a war land or battle ground, cremation grounds or grave yards.
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Now, you would be asking,
why would you summon death? What possibly the death could help you with?
Death gives you an immense complex structure of matrix of karma chakra that could give you power to manipulate others fate. Also, it could help you in the afterlife.
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Not only Death could be summoned but few very strong entities like a soul eater Demon could be summoned or a Demon of curse could also be summoned.
Few instances have been registered about summoning of a ghoul djinn as well as the
Angel of Death (Azrael)
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The places on to which the lightning has struck or the places on to which meteorites have touched the earth are considered to be charged with some super power and hence called the ‘touch of God’. These portals are supposed to open door to the Heaven only from which angels could pass.
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They are extremely rare to find & in my knowledge I have not found or seen any of it.
As the angels could contact or help human kind if they just pray to them and are not supposed to be summoned. Only in the most extreme case of need you should summon an angel.
Summoning rituals for angels are not easy and it took great sacrifices to please if you want to conjure them.
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But if you just want to feel their presence and protection; very simple of the prayers with passion will work (this I know for sure).
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Thank you for reading. Stay with us for more revelations of supernatural.
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