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We have all heard about the word soulmate before. How couldn’t we? That’s what romantic movies, novels and poems have been slithering through our ears to our brains for ages.

Do we need to explain love? Only a fool can try to explain love. Love is to feel, not to explain.

Then, Why am I being a fool and trying to explain it to you?

Because I am not explaining love to you. I am explaining about the lover from your past life and;

  • What is a soulmate? Explanation:

  • How could he/she still be connected to you?

  • How can you locate your soulmate?

  • What is the Paranormal science behind you and your soulmate’s recurring lives?

  • What is the logical understanding & the deeper meaning of this?

  • How would you know if you finally found your soulmate?

All these questions arise if we think about the word soulmate or past life even for a minute. Lucky you are coz I’m going to answer all that one by one.

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Let’s begin;

What is a Soulmate? Explanation:

Soul was created as a higher complete being which is a fragment of the divine itself.

In order to complete the cycle of existence this soul is divided into two parts separating the Masculine and Feminine of that soul. Male & Female in simpler terms.

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Then their is the whole birth process completely governed by the Mother Nature.

Birth of these souls into existence will be regardless of the timelines respectively. Means that one soul could have sourced into existence on this earth even 50 years prior to that of the other soul. That is completely dependent on, How the Mother Nature intended it to be.

They are the soulmates to each other.

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How could He/ She be still connected to you?

These two souls; the Masculine and Feminine spent their whole duration of lives and incarnations in order to find each other to be complete.

They attract each other lifetime after lifetime. They tend to join with each other to complete themselves. If they did complete themselves then they could go back home & find peace. If they couldn't than this entire cycle will keep on repeating.

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How can you locate your Soulmate?

That's the main reason why you are reading this post. You can locate and find out your soulmate but you have to understand that sometimes they weren't simply in your timeline. They could have died before you, due to something unnatural cause or could be that; their parents have died due to unnatural cause or an accident without them even being born. When you find out this; your life will feel meaningless and that could lead you into serious depression. So, you have to be strong enough before finding out the truth for your own sake.

Well if you're hell bent on finding your soulmate then here's how;

  • First of all, you have got to be spiritually active enough to connect to the higher beings who can guide you through the veil. If you're not then don't even bother about it and forget about it. When Mother Nature intends you two to meet, you will. Now, the question arises that how could you know that he/she is the one? Well I will cover that up just keep up with the article.

  • If you're spiritually active enough then let's proceed. You need to set up an altar for the purest forms of deities such as Hermes/ Ra/ Archangel Michael, Raphael, Gabriel etc. You can even call upon the Mother Goddess Nature but I don't believe many of you readers are capable enough to connect to her on your own unless you're a Witch. If you're a Witch then you probably wouldn't need my help at all.

  • I personally call upon the holy beings that I genuinely appreciate without even trying to know their identities; which I highly do not recommend to you guys because most of the times you will meet the deceiver & people usually aren't prepared to face them. Most of my readers are either Catholic or Islamic so I recommend Archangels but make sure you offer them purest of your love along with Holy water to drink upon and flower petals to feed on just to make sure they really are Archangels.

  • Once you establish this connection then simply request them to guide you while you meditate upon your soulmate through your own soul and no other routes. Do not use any kind of drugs or hallucination agents while meditation as I personally do not approve of them.

  • Here's a warning for you, once you start meditating through your soul. You will began to catch glimpses of your previous incarnations and those aren't necessarily of a Human. So, be prepared for that and eventually you will see your incarnations not all of them but few that mattered. You will see your Soulmate in few of those and just keep on focusing on them. You will eventually catch a glimpse of them in current timeline and if you can't then you know why as I have mentioned already. You could see their faces and sometimes you catch a glimpse of their shape and a glowing soul inside of them will takeover your vision. If you're lucky enough then you might get a little more than that which could help you in tracking them.

  • Pro tip; do not go and stalk them or else it will kill your chances. Wait for them to meet you during the intended time as nature have planned for you to meet. Do not be a fool and try to take matters in your hands or the series of unfortunate events will began to occur and their isn't anything you could do to repair them.

  • This method is only given to you so that when you meet them finally; you know how to react and identify them. So, do not and I repeat Do not try to take matters in your own hands.

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What is the Paranormal Science behind you and your soulmate's recurring lives? What is the logical understanding & deeper meaning of this?

As I have already explained that what exactly are soulmates. Now, think of it as the purpose of Souls are to feel complete as they were once. A complete soul is the most powerful being you could ever encounter, a fragment of the Divine itself.

When a soul is divided into the Masculine and Feminine is only because there union could be powerful enough to create a new life. Without their union, life isn't possible on this planet and hence governed by the Mother Nature.

Now, understand that if this union takes place between the original twin flames; How powerful and strong their consciousness can get. The results of these unions are the ones that changes world.

Soulmates around the globe born in any region or in any timeline tends to attract each other without knowing that. Even the universe tries to bring them together as there union will form a complete Soul and a complete soul could lead to the eternity of bliss together.

So, if they have been together in many lifetimes then why haven't they achieved their purpose yet?

Because for all those lifetimes they have been searching together for the wisdom that requires them to finally reach the Divinity or else called Moksha; if they haven't earned that wisdom yet, then they have to comeback again and again until they are ready to receive it finally.

This cycle of finding each other & finding divinity repeats itself again & again until they finally found it, for them to be complete and to be content with peace for eternity.

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Now, think of it as a single life force for two people when they come together their life force reaches to the highest. Highest life force is a bliss that can't be explained in words, one have to felt it truly to understand.

In every lifetime, the corrupt world created by the web of the evil tries to separate them and have succeeded in most of the lifetimes.

The Mother Nature keep on bringing them back for their fulfillment to be achieved so that the cycle completes itself. In this eternal battle between Good & Evil, you are the only one that matters.

So, understand who you truly are.

If the cycle completes then you can reach your source & if it doesn't then you will reach the sink of the oblivion.

Both, Source(life) & Sink(death) maintains the flow of this existence. If Sink gets stronger then the source; their will be nothing left. Sink will gallop Source. If the Source gets stronger the flow cycle will burst the entire system and hence you will be fated and you will achieve your fate in this life or another for sure.

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How would you know If He/She is your Soulmate?

For the people who aren't spiritually active and still wanting to know about their soulmates; well I honestly can't tell you where to find them. All I could tell you that the Universe will give you a chance to meet them.

If you meet them, how could you know for sure if that person is your Soulmate?

I will answer this but before that you must understand that I am trying to explain you a feeling in words that is entirely not even possible to describe in words but I will try anyway.

"Your heart will literally skip a beat,

You will not feel love necessarily but you will feel something strange. You will feel the ache in your body like you want to say a million things but he/she will never understand your words.

You will feel anxious, noxious and frustrated at the same time. You definitely won't feel the violins playing in the background for sure but you will react in an abnormal way.

You would immediately want to separate yourself from the situation and just run away and so you will.

You will realize it later that you have finally met him/her but your reaction won't be very nice."

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